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2025-26 Scholarships

Whitworth scholarships and grants are available to cover Whitworth tuition costs only.

Whitworth Scholarships

Visit Scholarship: $1,000 (one-time)

Incoming first-year and transfer students enrolling in fall 2025 who fully participate in a qualified 2024-25 campus visit program are eligible to receive a one-time, $1,000 Visit Scholarship to cover tuition. Students can only qualify for one Visit Scholarship in total. View a list of qualifying events.

Note: The $1,000 Visit Scholarship cannot be combined with a full-tuition scholarship such as Honors Scholarship Weekend or tuition exchange. No additional application is needed to be eligible.

College Bound Scholarship/Whitworth Bound Promise: Up to Full Tuition*

College Bound Scholarship

The College Bound Scholarship Program is an early commitment of financial aid from the state of Washington. To be eligible, students must sign up for the program in middle school; graduate from a Washington high school or home school program with a 2.0 GPA or higher; be good citizens who have never been convicted of a felony; apply to an eligible college; and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in a timely manner. They must also have a family income that falls within 65 percent of the state's median family income. The amount of the scholarship is based on tuition and an allowance for books at a public university, and the full amount of the scholarship is applied to tuition, room and meal costs at Whitworth.

Whitworth Bound Promise

Incoming first-year and transfer students from the state of Washington who meet all requirements for the College Bound Scholarship may be entitled to receive the Whitworth Bound Promise, which covers 100 percent of Whitworth tuition* (using federal, state and university funds). Admitted College Bound-eligible first-year students who submit their FAFSAs to Whitworth and have a 3.0 cumulative, weighted high school GPA, or, if home-schooled, have a 1000 SAT/19 ACT superscore, or 64 on the Classical Learning Test (CLT), will automatically receive the Whitworth Bound Scholarship. Likewise, admitted College Bound-eligible transfers who submit their FAFSAs to Whitworth and have a 3.0 cumulative college GPA will automatically receive the Whitworth Bound Scholarship, which can be renewed as long as the student maintains College Bound Scholarship eligibility and meets satisfactory academic-progress requirements. Students have eight semesters of eligibility in the College Bound Program. The Whitworth Bound Promise is only offered to students with College Bound eligibility and is only available in the fall and spring semesters. Students can choose to use College Bound Scholarship funds during the summer, but this would count toward their eight semesters of eligibility. Eligibility for the Whitworth Bound Promise ends once a student has received his or her full eight semesters of the College Bound Scholarship. To be considered automatically, just apply for admission to Whitworth University and submit your FAFSA.

*Or 100 percent of financial need covered, if lower than tuition. Financial need equals cost of attendance minus the student's Student Aid Index (SAI) from the FAFSA or WASFA. 

Talent and Participation Scholarships: $1,000+

Whitworth Military Service Scholarship: Up to $1,500

In support of our veterans and their families, Whitworth offers a Military Service Scholarship for veterans (including their dependents), current active-duty members (including their dependents) and ROTC cadets whose tuition is not fully covered by VA benefits, in combination with other Whitworth tuition-driven aid. The scholarship amount is up to $1,500 per academic year and varies by academic program. To qualify, students must submit proof of military service (preferable Form DD-214) to the financial aid office. For more information, contact the financial aid office at 509.777.3215 or To explore additional scholarships and resources available to military connected students, visit our military & veterans page.

Additional outside scholarships and grants are available for veterans and their families here.

Whitworth Donor-Sponsored Scholarships

Traditional (day), full-time undergraduate students at Whitworth University are encouraged to apply for donor-sponsored scholarships. These scholarships have been established by individual donors, corporations and foundations, each with their own eligibility requirements. Students just need to complete this one application for the opportunity to be considered for over 300 of these donor-sponsored awards. Scholarship amounts typically range from $1,000 to $5,000.

The 2025-26 Donor-Sponsored Scholarship Application is open for currently enrolled undergraduate students in the full-time day program. Priority submission deadline is Feb. 15, 2025. Many, but not all, donor-sponsored scholarships require financial need as determined by the FAFSA or WASFA. To be considered for scholarships that require financial need, students should submit the 2025-26 FAFSA or WASFA.  

Donor-sponsored scholarships are awarded in the months of April through June and are added to financial aid offers. Scholarship notification emails will be sent after classes start in September. Students should check their financial aid offers in Self-Service during the summer months. Scholarship amounts are split between the fall and spring semesters. Students must be full time (at least 12 credits) to receive a scholarship for that semester.

Whitworth Affiliate Scholarships

Whitworth is affiliated with a number of outside organizations to coordinate scholarships for Whitworth students:

  • National Presbyterian Scholarship Program
  • National Merit Scholarship semifinalists
    National Merit semifinalists who advance to finalist standing and enroll at Whitworth University are eligible to receive the $2,000 Academic Achievement Scholarship, which is renewable for up to four years. Please contact the Whitworth Financial Aid Office if you qualify for this scholarship.
  • Passport to College Promise Scholarship
  • Spokane Scholars Program
    Spokane Scholars grant recipients will be offered a Whitworth match equal to the grant amount received through Spokane Scholars for their first year only. Match amounts will be $4,000, $3,000, $2,000 or $1,000, depending upon which Spokane Scholars academic category the student is offered.

Outside Scholarship Information

Reporting Expected Outside Scholarship Funds

The Whitworth University Financial Aid Office requests that all expected outside scholarships be reported to our office by phone, by email or by using this easy online form. We will include these scholarships in your financial aid offer. This information is also used by the student accounts office to recognize outside scholarships as a resource toward your costs and to reduce the amount you owe the university.

Outside-scholarships search engines

Whitworth University does not guarantee the accuracy of the information found on the sites listed above and does not take responsibility for information published therein.

Need-Based Undergraduate Grants