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Students are encouraged to take screenshots or print any documents that confirm completion of processes or are legal agreements.

Please do not email documents as attachments. All requested documents should be uploaded in the students secure Self-Service portal. Below are the directions to upload documents in the secure portal:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose “Pirate Port” in upper right-hand corner (will need Whitworth credentials to continue)
  3. Choose “Self Service” from icon on left side of page
  4. Choose “Financial Aid” from options given
  5. Choose “Required Documents” from the “breadcrumb” or from the “Daily Work”
  6. From here you can see what is requested, directions, sometimes links to items requested and a “Manage” button where you can upload documents securely.

Reporting Expected Outside Scholarship Funds

The Whitworth University Financial Aid Office requests that all expected outside scholarships be reported to our office by phone, email or through this easy online form. We will include these scholarships in your financial aid offer. This information is also used by the student accounts office to recognize outside scholarships as a resource toward your costs and to reduce the amount you owe the university.

Special Circumstance Information

We recognize that students and parents may have expenses and/or loss of income that are not reflected on the FAFSA for the 2025-26 academic year. New incoming students should contact their admissions counselor for information related to submitting special circumstances. 

Continuing students can complete the 2025-26 Special Circumstances Request Form. These forms will be reviewed starting in late May. For more information on special circumstances not indicated on the FAFSA, visit our Special & Unusual Circumstances page.

Federal Verification 

Satisfactory Progress Appeal Information & Forms

Other Financial Aid Forms

Withdrawal Information

Traditional Day Students

Students in Accelerated Evening Format Courses

TEACH Grant Information & Eligibility Form

The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant provides up to $4,000 per year for undergraduate and graduate students who intend to teach full time in high-need subject areas for at least four years. Their schools must serve students from low-income families.

If you think you might qualify for a TEACH Grant or if you want to learn more about this grant, please read the TEACH Grant Fact Sheet linked below. If, after reading the fact sheet, you believe that you might be eligible for this grant, please complete the TEACH Grant Eligibility Form linked below.

Note: For Whitworth students to be eligible, they must be in a degree (bachelor's/master's) program. Certificate and endorsement students are ineligible.

TEACH Grant Fact Sheet

TEACH Grant Eligibility Form
(Complete only if you want to have your eligibility for this program reviewed.)

TEACH grant recipients must complete the two online forms mentioned below. (Students who have not yet been offered the TEACH grant should not complete the following forms.)