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Contact Our Team

We are here to serve the Whitworth community, which extends around the globe, ranging from Pirates who graduated over sixty years ago, to current students and their families. Each of us on the three-person Whitworth Alumni & Family Engagement team is here to help you. However, if you reach out by one of the means below, Rachel DuPont will mostly likely be the person on the other end of the phone or email exchange. Rachel is both an alum from the class of ’97 and a proud parent of two recent Whitworth grads. 

We know what a fantastic job the Whitworth Admissions team does in sharing with you the many resources available to support your student during their time at the university. We also know that it may be difficult to recall what types of support or resources are available to them weeks or months after you first heard about the services. As parents, you are often the first people to learn or sense that your student might need some extra support as they encounter academic, social and emotional challenges during the college years. If you would like a reminder about which direction to point your student as they navigate these challenges, give us a call! 

Finally, we welcome questions about upcoming events or how to update to your contact information. And of course, we'd love to share how you can be involved with the Whitworth community. Just ask!

Phone: 509.777.3772 or 800.532.4668
Location: Hawthorne Hall Room #118