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Schedule of Events
Class of 2025 Undergraduate Commencement Weekend

Senior Showcase
Saturday, May 17, 4 p.m.
Cowles Auditorium

A Whitworth tradition and the kickoff to Commencement Weekend, Senior Showcase brings together faculty, staff, coaches, mentors, students, families and friends to honor, acknowledge and celebrate the Class of 2025! Enjoy the talents of this year’s senior class, recognize their accomplishments, hear from Whitworth’s "Most Influential Faculty" and more.

We look forward to celebrating this special class as they become Whitworthians for life and transition to the alumni community.

No tickets required. If you or your guests have limited mobility and need accessible seating, please contact


Baccalaureate & Commissioning
Sunday, May 18, 8 a.m.
Cowles Auditorium

A perfect way to start commencement day with family, fellow classmates and faculty as we gather to worship God, give thanks for God’s faithfulness and recommit to a life of following Jesus wherever he leads. This rich service helps students and families remember God's care over the journey and launches them into the world as followers of Jesus ready to participate in God's Kingdom work with all of their gifts and passions. The celebration will include Communion served by staff and faculty, a chance for seniors to be anointed with oil (a traditional means of setting people apart for a new calling), and prayers and music led by fellow graduating students.  

No tickets required and no need for graduates to come in cap and gown. The service will be done before 9 a.m. and followed by donuts and coffee in the courtyard.*
*Please note, coffee and donuts must be consumed in the courtyard and may not be taken to the Pine Bowl for the commencement ceremony.

If you or your guests have limited mobility and need accessible seating, please contact Amy Morrison at

Commencement parking passes will be required to park on campus for all of Sunday’s events.


2025 Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony
Sunday, May 18, 10 a.m.
Whitworth Pine Bowl

Join us in celebrating Whitworth undergraduates completing their degrees during the 2024-25 academic year.

Tickets required for all guests. There is no need to reserve seating if you or your guests have mobility concerns or need accessible seating, as plenty will be available. Please direct questions to

Commencement parking passes will be required to park on campus for all of Sunday’s events.