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Grant Projects 2023-24

Career Closet Inventory Manager Grant | $1,000

This grant funds a Student Career Closet inventory manager to monitor the professional clothes in the School of Business Career Closet for 3-5 hours per week over the academic year. This position manages the Excel inventory of items and takes donations from the Whitworth and Spokane communities that make the closet more robust. The role is also responsible for marketing the Career Closet; scheduling student visits to the closet; assisting students in selecting professional attire for interviews, presentations and professional photos; tracking closet items that are checked out or available to borrow; and inspecting returned clothes for damages, cleaning or repairs. 

Child Care Expense for Adult Education | $3,000

The School of Continuing Studies helps working adults achieve their wildest dreams by providing accessible pathways to degree completion. Many of our adult students are also single parents, navigating myriad responsibilities with very limited resources. The support provided by this grant will help ease the costs of child care, and create time and space for single parents to focus on their studies. The requested $3,000 grant would provide six $500 gifts for these adult students.

Communication Conference for PR students | $3,000

This funding would be used to further the education of the leadership team for Beyond the Pines, Whitworth's student-led public relations agency. Beyond the Pines is comprised of three women, leading a group that is comprised almost exclusively of women. The agency works with the Whitworth community and local nonprofits on strategic communication projects, such as social media campaigns, event development, website content, brochure design, writing press releases, etc. With any funds given, these three students would be sent to a conference focusing on public relations that would further develop their skills and aid them not only in their current leadership roles at Whitworth, but as they go into the work world after college. The exact conference would be determined based on funding and student schedules, but might include the National Communication Association Conference or the more regional Northwest Communication Association Conference. 

Cultivating Women in Ministry | $2,100

The purpose of this request is to provide hands-on experience, mentorship and professional development for women desiring to pursue a future vocation in ministry/service. The Summer Fellowship Program has placed an average of 32 students at 15-20 ministries and nonprofit organizations for summer employment opportunities over each of the past three years. Over the course of the spring, we will read a book together (last spring we read "Try Softer" by Aundi Kobler), and will meet 2-3 times as a group to discuss the book and how it’s inviting us to think deeper or more holistically about what it looks like to be women in and pursuing ministry. We’ll take the Strengths Finder test and talk about each of our strengths and how these can be specifically beneficial to the spaces we’re in. The scholars will then interview women in leadership at their fellowship sites over the summer as a way to immerse themselves more in understanding the various roles women can take in ministry. This funding would include $2,000 to cover fundraising costs for four participants ($500 each) and $100 for their books. 

Graduate Studies in Business – Women in Leadership Scholarship | $3,000

Whitworth Graduate Studies in Business seeks to create a scholarship fund that is designed to empower women toward their development as business and industry leaders. This scholarship fund would benefit women who are enrolled in a graduate business degree program (Master of Business Administration or Master of Business Leadership) and who demonstrate a need for financial assistance to access opportunities for leadership development. The scholarship would enable Whitworth to come alongside high-potential women, increase their access to financial resources, and empower them toward advanced leadership education. 1-2 scholarship recipients would be identified in fall 2023 for enrollment in the Entrepreneurship Summit. 1-2 scholarship recipients would be identified in spring 2024 for enrollment in the Executive Leadership summer series.

History Department Study Abroad Scholarship | $3,000

This grant awards two female students with high financial need a scholarship to go toward their study abroad tuition for the January 2024 term.

Institute of Leadership Women's Scholarship | $2,985

The Institute of Leadership dreams of creating a scholarship fund for women, enabling them to participate in this transformational experience. If awarded, the institute would offer this scholarship to a woman who will benefit from the program’s mission to prepare and empower high-potential individuals to make innovative and sustainable impact in their positions of leadership.

Lives of Commitment | $3,000

This grant encourages students to pursue a year of service after college with groups like Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Presbyterian Volunteer and others. Five grants of $500 each to students who serve or intern during their junior or senior year in preparation to apply for a year of service after college is proposed. Students in this program commit to 20 hours of service with a local nonprofit and meet with a faculty advisor (Julia Stronks). In addition, other faculty members mentor students during the year of service.

Pro-Closet Scholarship | $3,000

Applicants in need of clothing items for internships, first career jobs or interviews will receive a gift card to a local department store to purchase needed items. In 2023, 32 students benefited from this program at a cost of more than $3,000.

Soak: Creative Growth and Watercolor Exhibition | $2,000

This grant supports the creation of a series of podcasts and articles by women artists and the discussion and art that follow. As a part of the project, students will meet eight times and will host an exhibition of their created work in the Cowles Student Gallery in the Lied Center for the Arts in November and December 2023. The goals are to support and mentor students in their development as confident artists by sharing the professional and academic experiences of other female artists through the facilitation of dialogue about women’s art issues, the honing of their technical skills, exhibition experience, and development of their visual vocabulary and conceptual direction.

Supporting Clinical Experiences in Health Professions | $2,800

Students within Whitworth’s three graduate health sciences programs (athletic training, physical therapy and occupational therapy) complete several hundred hours of unpaid clinical experiences as part of their graduate program curriculum. These clinical experiences teach essential professional knowledge and skills and are a required part of entry to most healthcare professions. However, the cost of clinical experiences is not insubstantial. In addition to paying tuition, students may also be required to temporarily relocate for a clinical experience, incurring travel and housing costs. Students who have limited finances may opt out of excellent clinical placements that are out of region due to an inability to afford the additional short-term housing costs. This can create and reinforce socioeconomic inequities between students who can vs. cannot afford excellent (but costly) clinical experiences. We know that clinical experiences, like internships, can help create powerful professional networks and often lead to future employment opportunities.

The goal of this grant would be to provide financial support for expenses related to clinical experiences, enabling students with financial need to consider the best clinical experiences for their career goals (rather than limiting their options based purely on cost). Specifically, the funds would be awarded through a competitive process that considers student need. Students would be eligible to apply for a $700 award to be applied to clinical experience related expenses. We would ask awardees to share about their experiences with the cohort following them, thus fostering leadership in the awardee and interest in future cohorts to reach for excellent clinical experience opportunities even if the experience has financial costs.

Unpaid Summer Internship Scholarships | $3,000

The Summer Internship Scholarship Program awards undergraduate students with need-based scholarships ranging from $500-$2,000 to cover summer tuition expenses for unpaid or underfunded credit-bearing internships during summer term. Eligible students are those pursuing unpaid or underfunded career-related experiences during summer within nonprofits, government, education, arts, public service, and other industries that are traditionally unpaid or provide minimal compensation for students. Additionally, students must meet the internship offices’ and academic department requirements for credit-bearing internships.

  • 2022-23 Grants

    Grant Projects 2022-23

    3D Printers for Engineering & Physics | $5,000

    Funding was used to purchase two 3D printers for the engineering & physics department. 3D printers, an essential tool for hands-on learning in higher education and STEM programs, allow students to learn new, critical skills and gain a competitive edge in the workforce.

    Career Pathways Internship Grants | $3,000

    The Career Pathways program provided compensation for students to enable them to work in unpaid internships for small businesses and organizations. Unpaid internships provide essential, relevant work experience, but those opportunities present challenges for both students and potential employers. For many students, an unpaid internship isn’t feasible given their financial situation. 

    Child Care Expense Grant | $2,000

    This grant provided four individuals in the adult degree programs a grant of $500 each to support their personal and professional development by helping with the cost of child care. 

    Cultivating Female Leaders in Ministry | $2,100

    This grant provided hands-on experience, mentorship and professional development for women pursuing future vocations in ministry and service. 

    DEI Research Guides | $1,500

    This project funded two student positions to collect and organize academic and/or authoritative sources of diversity, equity and inclusion content, with an emphasis on voices from within the communities. This content is used to create research guides on the library website to support student research and training on a range of issues. Topics included: diversity in ministry, inclusion in leadership, disparities in healthcare, how to be an anti-racist, the Black Lives Matter movement, supporting first-generation students, Open Educational Resources (OER) for equity, etc.

    NCAA Women Coaches Academy | $1,000

    This grant allowed Whitworth’s female coaching staff to attend the NCAA Women Coaches Academy. 

    Peer Research Consultants | $2,028.60

    This grant supported a Peer Research Consultant (PRC) for 10 hours per week to assist students with research confidence and experience. The PRC is a trained peer-advisor located both in the library and Intercultural Student Center who helps students get started and feel comfortable with doing research. 

    PRO Closet | $3,000

    This grant funded gift cards for students to purchase proper and professional clothing attire needed for an interview or first job. 

    School of Business Student Lounge | $3,000

    The Whitworth School of Business used this grant to remodel an area that is welcoming to students, parents, alumni, donors and the Whitworth community; provides a space for students to work independently in between their classes; and provides an area for discussion and/or group work. 

    School of Business Student Support Scholarship | $2,000

    This Whitworth School of Business scholarship assisted an international student who had high financial need. International students do not qualify for state or federal aid and therefore do not have the same opportunities for funding. 

    Textbook Lending Library Expansion | $2,000

    The Textbook Lending Library was founded in 2019 for undergraduate students with financial need to borrow required texts for classes free of charge. With additional funding, the library was expanded to serve graduate and continuing studies students. 

    Women in Finance Student Club | $1,500

    Funding was provided to WIF for the purchase of 20 Wall Street Prep course licenses, which included 10 Excel Crash Course licenses and 10 Institutional Banking Soft Skills licenses for the 2022-23 club members. 

    Women’s Leadership Certificate Scholarship (Elevate) | $2,865

    Elevate: Whitworth’s Leadership Certificate for Women was developed by the Women’s Leadership Network and Graduate Studies in Business Program to create opportunities for women to develop personal and professional leadership skills. This grant provided three individuals in the adult degree programs support for their personal and professional development by enabling them to attend one of the courses ($955 each) included in the certificate series.

  • 2021-22 Grants

    Big Art by Whitworth Women | $2,750

    A faculty member and female student artists worked together on a commissioned, large-scale piece of art that is permanently displayed in the University Recreation Center. The process built the students’ portfolios and résumés, as well as empowered them to design and implement murals and large-scale artworks of their own. 

    Building Women Leadership in Life Sciences | $1,000

    This grant supported the implementation of a new program that seeks to build confidence in female biology majors. This faculty-designed programming offers women biology majors a more tailored educational experience that includes leadership training and exposure to women in leadership positions in the life sciences. 

    Career Exploration Cohort | $2,500

    Career communities assist students in exploring their career options within eight specific industry groups. Career community mentors in each industry met each semester with Whitworth students to help them explore what careers look like in these industries.

    Cultivating Women in Ministry Leadership | $2,000

    This grant provides hands-on experience, mentorship and professional development for women desiring to pursue a future vocation in ministry/service. The Summer Fellowship Program places an average of 50 students in 20-30 ministries/nonprofit organizations for summer employment opportunities. 

    DEI Development for the Christian Student Newsroom | $2,250

    Issues of gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality and more need careful and considerate coverage. There are even fewer resources that speak to a faith-based mandate to “do unto others” when it comes to student journalism. With this grant, The Whitworthian developed a series of training and development materials in order to better understand what it means to be an anti-racist newsroom. The grant funded student research, development and distribution of materials for student staff. 

    Gender Equality Movement Club – Women’s History Month Speaker | $1,500

    The Gender Equality Movement (GEM) Club hosted a Women’s History Month speaker on campus. The event celebrated women’s accomplishments and shared with the Whitworth community the impact that women have had on society, as well as the ongoing obstacles that women encounter in their lives. 

    Learning to Lead Summit for Female High School Students | $3,000

    The Women’s Leadership Network sponsored Whitworth’s first Learning to Lead leadership summit for female high school juniors and seniors, held via Zoom. This daylong program provided exposure to dynamic female leaders from the extended Whitworth community, interactive sessions and activities, time to collaborate and reflect, and a shared meal.

    Pro Closet | $2,000

    This grant funded gift cards for students to purchase proper and professional clothing attire needed for an interview or first job. Professional attire like suits and dresses are an additional cost that is often not in the budget of many college students, specifically low-income and first-generation students. These student populations are growing at Whitworth, and their financial struggles are particularly sensitive to volatile economic and financial circumstances, which create barriers in purchasing professional attire for the next step in their professional lives. 

    Resilience of Immigrant Students and Families | $3,000

    Whitworth’s counseling center and DEI offices have found that students impacted by immigration have high mental health needs, but the majority of traditional practices and workbooks lack in cultural responsiveness. This grant supported the creation of material that compiled recent literature and practices that infuse family, interdependent and collectivist values and practices, and adapted them to the college-aged student and immigrant populations.

    School of Business Career Pathways | $3,000

    The Career Pathways program provided compensation for students to enable them to work in unpaid internships for small businesses and organizations. Unpaid internships provide essential, relevant work experience, but those opportunities present challenges for both students and potential employers. For many students, an unpaid internship isn’t feasible given their financial situation. Integrating an internship grant program increased the number of internships that were available and financially viable for students to pursue, simultaneously supporting career outcomes and confronting barriers for diverse student populations, in particular.

    STAFF: Successful Thriving Accomplished Fulfilling Fellowship | $3,000

    This grant provided Whitworth staff members with opportunities to meet with and hear from women who are leaders in their chosen fields. More than 200 staff members benefited. Speakers and social events invited opportunities for leadership development and relational development.

    Wai'anae to Whitworth Women-In-Action/Mana Wahine | $2,500

    The female scholar-students of the Wai‘anae-to-Whitworth program hosted an empowerment retreat for women of color and female allies across Whitworth’s campus. Wai‘anae-to-Whitworth scholar-students engaged with a visiting female scholar and received professional skills development. This project gave W2W scholar-students a greater sense of belonging in the Inland Northwest and at Whitworth.

    Women in Finance Club – Excel Training Licenses | $500

    This grant funded 12 licenses to the Wall Street Prep Foundational Course in Excel, utilized by the Women in Finance club. WIF connects current students with working analysts within the Whitworth alumnae and friend community who help demonstrate how technical financial skills are utilized in a variety of ways in the real world, as well as why they are important.

  • 2020-21 Grants

    Women's Leadership Summer Summit for High School Students | $3,000

    This one-day Women’s Leadership Summit provided an opportunity for female high school juniors and seniors to be exposed to dynamic female leaders from the extended Whitworth community during interactive workshops and learning sessions.

    Diversity Leadership Conference Participation | $3,000

    This grant funded student attendance at conferences that focus on diversity, equity and inclusion leadership. The grant supported student stipends for travel, lodging or conference registration. 

    Female Coaches' Leadership Development | $500

    This funding allowed the four female head coaches in Whitworth’s athletics department to attend coaching and leadership professional development opportunities, crucial in a field where there are fewer female leaders. Whitworth coaches increased their own leadership skills, with a goal of paving the way for our players to step into these roles in the future. 

    Female Health & Wellness Nutrition Speaker | $1,000

    This grant provided funding for a nutritionist to speak to female student-athletes about how to fuel a woman’s body for high-intensity sports. A female nutritionist, as opposed to a general sports nutritionist, was able to speak specifically to female athletes and address their concerns about how the female body responds differently to foods, stress and physical activity, especially at a collegiate athlete level.

    Women in Finance Curriculum Materials | $2,400

    Launched in fall 2020, the Women in Finance Club has provided a supportive environment for technical skill-building in the areas of financial analysis and modeling for Whitworth students. WIF was founded by female business students after both students and faculty noticed a concerning pattern: In group presentations, such as the Whitworth Student Investment Group stock pitches, female team members would tend to deliver the “softer” introduction/industry overview sections of the presentations, whereas the “harder” analysis was delivered by male team members. WIF is designed to increase female students’ confidence through competence with financial analysis; it is a curricular program that provides hands-on instruction in financial analysis and modeling techniques.

    STEM WOC Conference | $750

    This grant funded student attendance at a virtual STEM Women of Color Conference. Eight Whitworth students of color in STEM disciplines (specifically engineering, physics, computer science, math and chemistry) attended. 

    Cultivating Women Ministry Leaders | $3,000

    This grant provided hands-on experience, mentorship and professional development for women desiring to pursue or consider a future vocation in ministry/service. The Summer Fellowship Program places an average of 50 students in 20-30 ministries/nonprofit
    organizations for summer employment opportunities.