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Outdoor photo portrait of Nicholas Epps

Nick Epps '20

Spotlight On: Belonging to a Community

Choosing a graduate program is a big life decision and not one that Nick Epps took lightly. In fact, Epps spent four years looking for the right program before putting down roots at Whitworth. For Epps, it was the people that convinced him Whitworth was the right decision.

"The engagement I received from everyone in Whitworth's School of Business (staff, faculty and my peers) was unlike any other experience I'd had with other programs," Epps says. "Even in the early stages of my application process, I was invited to join in events and be part of their community. After getting to know them, I was convinced this was the school I wanted to attend."

Most Whitworth MBA students engage beyond the classroom in one of our many extracurricular and community events. You can find them running 5k races for local nonprofits, fundraising for local arts and community centers, hosting tables for the many events we sponsor, and anywhere else our community leaders congregate. In every corner of our community, Whitworth MBA students and alumni are making an impact.

"The volunteer opportunities I participated in were some of my favorite memories of my time in the program," Epps says. "I remember a classmate and I jumping at the opportunity to do cleanup work for the Ronald McDonald House for Whitworth's 2018 Community Building Day. We were dirty messes, but we had fun, and I would do it all over again."