Past Recipients of Research Grants
- Megan Kari Nixon: Seeing is Believing: Victorian Visual Technologies and the Making of the Modern (A)Political Citizen
- Derek Taylor: "Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theology of social justice and Christian resistance"
- Stacy Keogh: "Refugees in our community"
- Jason Wollschleger: "Bombingham: Exploring Racially Motivated Church Bombings"
- Elise Leal: "Reforming Manners, Redeeming Souls: Sunday Schools, Childhood, and the Formation of Early Nineteenth-Century American Religious Culture"
- Michael Ingram: "Arguments for the claim that all policies should rest on values in the International Public Debate Association"
- Nathan King: "The Apologist’s Dilemma: Counting the Costs of Rational Uniqueness and Permissivism"
- Anthony Clark: "China Besieged: Christianity, Culture, and the Conflict of Religious Aesthetics"
- Jonathan Moo: "Disasters, Injustice, and the Goodness of Creation"
- Karin Heller: "Women and the Church: Why does Pope Francis appear to be in a deadlock?"
- Katie Creyts: "Fire Starter: Ecology and Faith in Glass"
- Elizabeth Abbey: "Potential Barriers and Facilitators for Participation in Community-Based Cooking Classes"
- Nicole Sheets: "How to Pack for Church Camp: An Online Anthology of Creative Nonfiction"
- Patricia Bruininks: "Hope and Creation Care: Similarities and Differences Across Five Major Religions"
- Nate King: "The Excellent Mind: Intellectual Virtues for Everyday People"
- Will Kynes: "Reading Proverbs Intertextually"
- Mark Killian: "Networked Ecology: Understanding the Vitality of Congregations in the EEKB Church Union of Estonia"
- Mark Baird: "Good from Evil? Exploring differing world-views in the classroom"
- Charles Andrews: "Christian Pacifism and Literary Witness: Vera Brittain's Born 1925"
- Karin Heller: "Theological Christian Talk about Sex and Gender: Limits and Hopes"
- Thom Caraway: "Language of God: the poetics of witness"
- Jason Wollschleger: "Examining the Institutional Features Influencing Sexual Harassment and Assault at Colleges and Universities," co-authored by Kolby Cameron
- Elizabeth Abbey/Stacy George: "Our Bodies Are Temples: Health Programming in Christian Church Communities"
- Nicole Sheets: "Normal Healthy Lady: Essays on Anxiety"
- Joshue Orozco: "Forgiveness and Loving our Enemies"
- Jonathan Moo: "Climate Change and the Apocalyptic Imagination"
- Vange Ocasio: "Capitalism, Christianity and Economic Development: A comparative Review of Latin America."
- Scott Miller: "Voice and Vocation."
- LuElla D'Amico: "Saving America's Children: The Protestant-Catholic School Debate in Nineteenth-Century Girls' Books"
- Karin Heller: "Pope Francis' Extraordinary Synod on Marriage and the Family between Hopes and Challenges"
- Will Kynes: "The Wisdom Category: Ancient Tradition or Modern Invention?"
- Erica Salkin/Mike Ingram: "Who told you that? Media priming and the narrative of the unchurched Northwest"
- Mark Killian: "Everything In Common: Vitality in two Christian Intentional Communities"
- Keith Beebe: "George Whitefield in Scotland: Of Friends, Foes, and the Evangelical Divide"
Born Again at Cambuslang: The Scottish Evangelical Awakening of 1742. - Jonathan Moo: "A Biblical Theology of Creation Care"
- Adam Neder: "The Sun Behind the Clouds: Some Thoughts about Teaching Christian Theology"
- Megan Hershey: "The Role of the Christian Faith in African Civil Society"
- Mike Ingram: Short book that combines current small-group-communication research findings with best practices to aid PSCs in their important work
- Richard Strauch: "Presbyterians, Passion Plays, and Parsifal: American Christian Reception of Wagner's Final Music Drama"
- Jason Wollschleger: "Divergent: Exploring Emerging Christianity"
- Keith Beebe: "Experimental Religion in Scotland's Age of Reason"
- Nancy Bunker: "The Rev. May C. Jones"
- Jeremy Wynne: "God's Patience"
- Casey Andrews: "Modernism's National Scriptures: Nationalism, Religion, and the Modernist Novel"
- Anthony Clark: "The Christian Martyrs of Shanxi: Recent Discoveries of Stone Monuments from the Boxer Uprising"
- Karin Heller: "Catholic and Protestant Feminist Theologies in Dialogue"
- Corliss Slack: "British Crusade Sites"
- Adam Neder: "The Ontology of Human Virtue"
- Alan Mikkelson: "Understanding How Communication Goals and Specific Communication Practices are Related to Self-Disclosure in Conversations about Religion"
- Craig Hinnenkamp: "Reframing Business Ethics Pedagogy Utilizing an 'Other-Centered' Capitalistic Worldview"
- Julia Stronks: "So You Want to be a Christian Lawyer?"
- Keith Beebe:Conference paper (Third Annual Baylor Symposium on Faith & Culture, October 8-10, 2009): "Converted at Cambuslang: Experimental Religion in Scotland's Age of Reason," Journal article (expanded version of the Baylor paper): "Converted at Cambuslang: Experimental Religion in Scotland's Age of Reason. Forthcoming book (for Scottish History Society): The McCulloch 'Examinations' of the Cambuslang Revival (1742): A Critical Edition
- Frank Caccavo: "The Effect of Diet on the Composition of Fecal Bacteria in an Alaskan Husky Sled Dog"
- Laurie Lamon: "'What is the Correct Way to Stand at a Memorial Ceremony?' A Study of Contemporary Arab and Israeli Poetry, in Conjunction with Poetry Writing"
- Patricia Bruininks: "The Temporal Nature of Hope"
- Gordon Jackson: "Censorship: The Stone in the Shoe of a Democratic Society"
- Dinorah Scott:
- Noel Wescombe: "Reproductive Success: Evolutionary Psychology and Biblical Theology"
- Nadine Chapman: "The Poet's Vision: Linguistic Imagination, Ethics, and Servant-leadership Theory"
- Alan C. Mikkelson: "Discussing Religion: Understanding Communicative Practices Associated with Positive and Negative Interactions"
- DJames B. Hunt: "John Muir's 1,000-Mile Walk through the South in 1867"
- Laurie J. Lamon: "Broken Geography: A Struggle Between Two Memories: A Study of Contemporary Palestinian and Israeli Poetry, in Conjunction with Poetry Writing."
- Gordon Wilson: "Survivors"
- Karla Morgan: "Trust, Testosterone, and Christian Commitment"
- Finn Pond
- Angeles Aller
- Susan Mabry: "Divine through Eyes of Applied Science"
- Jim McPherson: "Unholy Trinity: The News Media, the Religious Right and the Conservative Movement"
- Ron Pyle: "Communication and the Ministry of Relationships"
- Melissa Sprenkle
- Laurie Lamon: "Poetry Writing, and the Study of Poetry of Witness and Faith"
- Karin Heller: "Luther's Doctrine on Marriage in an Ecumenical Perspective"
- Gerald Sittser: "Reading Spiritual Biographies as Written Icons"
- Richard Strauch: "Christianity, Wagnerism, and a Reception History of Parsifal"
- Bendi Benson Schrambach: "Baudelaire, Moralist"
- Michael Tidwell: "When the Volunteer Won't Volunteer: A Social Identity Model of Volunteerism and Tithing within Protestant Congregations"
- Julia Stronks: "Murdock Lives of Commitment Grant"
- James Edwards: "Is Jesus the Only Savior?"
- Scott Kolbo and Mr. Gordon Wilson: "Shared Space: Culture, Alienation and Marginality"
- John Yoder: "Palestinian Political Leadership During the Pre-Monarchic Period"
- Noelle Wiersma: "Metaphors for College Student Development"
- Pamela Corpron Parker: "Literary Tourism and the Woman Writer"
- Kirk Westre: "Servant Leadership in Sport"
- Jack Burns: "Chaos Theory and Leadership"
- Dr. David Holt: "The Veil Revisited: What Relative Intermarriage Rates May Tell Us About the Causes and Status of Black-White Relations"
- Dr. Gerald Sittser: "Spiritual Roots"
- Laurie Lamon: "The Poetry of Witness"
- Susan Mabry: "Finding Guidance for Ethics and Moral Responsibilities in Computing Technologies from a Christian Perspective"
- Adrian Teo: "Understanding Human Nature: Contributions from Christian Theology and Empirical Psychology"
- Keith Wyma: "Comparison of Models of Weak-Willed Action"
- Pamela Corpron Parker: "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Rhetoric of Religion in the Works of British Women Writers"
- Don Liebert: "The Corinthian Correspondence"
- Arlin Migliazzo: "A Social History of Purrysburgh, South Carolina, 1732-1792"
- Ronald Pyle: "Preaching and the Stewardship of Rhetoric"
- Katheen Storm: "Assumptions in Student Development: Pragmatism and other Premises"