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  • Academic Tutoring & Resources

    *Tutoring for fall 2024 TBD

    *New eTutoring Subjects available to all students:

    General Study Skills

    S.I. (supplemental instruction) is a learning enhancement program offered for historically challenging classes including introductory courses in biology, chemistry and physics. The SI sessions are optional collaborative learning sessions that provide students with a systematic and disciplined approach for processing the subject material assigned by the professor. Therefore, SI sessions focus on group activities involving critical thinking and problem-solving exercises centered on the course material. They are scheduled outside of class time in the evening and they are led by trained student leaders who’ve received the department’s or professor’s stamp of approval. All the sessions are free and open to all students enrolled in the class. Students attending SI sessions tend to average half a letter grade higher. Learn more about SI here: Student Guide to Whitworth's Supplemental Instruction Program.


    General Biology S.I. 

    Day and Time Subject SI leader Room SI Office hours
    Wednesday 7-8:30 p.m. BI 143 Kae Benton Robinson 229 Friday 2-3 p.m. in Robinson 105
    Monday 1:55-2:45 p.m. BI 143 Jordan Peterson Weyer 111 Thursday 11 a.m.-noon in Robinson 105
    Wednesday 10:20-11:10 a.m. BI 143 Jordan Peterson Robinson 126 Thursday 11 a.m.-noon in Robinson 105


    Day and Time Subject SI leader Room SI Office hours
    Monday & Friday 1:55-2:50 p.m. Bioorganic Chem (102) Mu Mu Doh Robinson 229 Wed 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Robinson 301


    Chemistry Tutoring

    Day Location
    Sunday-Thursday 7-9 p.m.  Robinson 302 

    General Chemistry S.I.

    Course Facilitators Session Day/Time Location Office Hours Office Hours Location
    CH 101 Marissa Bell Monday & Friday
    11:45 a.m.-12:40 p.m.
    Robinson 345

    Wednesday    2-3 p.m.

    Robinson 105

    CH 161 Taylor Voelker Sunday 7-8:30 p.m. Robinson 345

    Wednesday 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

    Robinson 301

    General Chemistry II S.I.

    Course Facilitators Session Day/Time Location Office Hours Office Hours Location
    CH 181 Gavin Valdez

    Thursday 3-4 p.m.

    Robinson 345 Thursday 3-4 p.m.

    Robinson 301

    CH 181 Katie DeJong

    Monday 3:15-4:04 p.m.

    Robinson 141 Tuesday 3-4 p.m.

    Robinson 301

    CH 181 Katie DeJong

    Tuesday 7-7:50 p.m.

    Robinson 345 Tuesday 3-4 p.m.

    Robinson 301

    Organic Chemistry S.I.

    Course Facilitators Session Day/Time Location Office Hours Office Hours Location
    CH 278 Saned Gharari Monday 7-8:30 p.m. Robinson 229 Thursday 11 a.m.-noon

    Robinson 301

    Anatomy & Physiology - HS 220 Open Lab

    • Monday and Tuesday; 5:30-6:30 p.m., 6:30-7:30 p.m. and 7:30-8:30 p.m.; in Robinson 225
    • First come, first served.
    • Try to limit to no more than 24-30 students in the lab at one time.
    • Students are asked to limit themselves to one hour of open lab per week to allow everyone an opportunity.

    Computer Science

    Computer Science tutors will be available in the upstairs CS lab in the Eric Johnston Science Center on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday. CS tutors, class TAs, faculty and experienced students are accessible on the CSWU Discord server. This server is set up to support all CS classes at Whitworth and is a great way to get quick support. If you would like to get connected to the server, email Scott Griffith ( or any CS faculty for an invite.

    Available both in person (Eric Johnston Science Center Room 308) and via Discord during the following times:

    Accounting and Finance

    • Accounting and finance tutors will be available in Weyerhaeuser 203 on Tuesday evenings from 5:30-6:30 p.m.


    Librarians will be available throughout the semester to assist students with research through chat and email. Both can be found on the library's webpage, as well as tutorials to help with research and access to library resources from off campus.


    • Math Homework Hangout – especially for students in 100-200 level courses
      • EVERY Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday from 7-9 p.m. in Johnston 227
      • Personalized tutoring for your math assignments.
      • Meet potential study-buddies.
      • Get the help you need when you need it.
      • Math Lab will not be open if there are no classes the following day. 
    • Math eTutoring


    General Physics S.I.

    Course Facilitators Session Day/Time Location Office Hours Office Hours Location
    PS 153 Luke Roberts Sunday 7-8:30 p.m. Robinson 345 Thursday   1-2 p.m. Robinson 105

    Success Coaching

    General educational support is available with peer coaches who are trained to encourage essential skills such as time management, goal setting, study skills, test-taking strategies, etc. Email or learn more and sign up here

    Study Hour with Student Success

    What: Many students experience challenges getting started with homework, managing time and staying organized. Body doubling is a tool some folks use to help them start and complete projects and increase productivity. A body double is a person who works simultaneously in the same room to help you with productivity and being present. Success Coaches will be present to help facilitate the space (45 minutes study/work, 15-minute break, 45 minutes study, 15-minute break). Snacks provided in a cozy, peaceful environment. 

    Who: Any Whitworth Student 

    Where: Student Success Center (second floor of the HUB)

    When : 7-9 p.m. on Wednesdays

    Other Study Hour Offerings

    • Oliver/Boppell Study PrimeTime on Sundays in the main Oliver lounge
    • Arend Hall Study Primetime on Sundays in Arend lounge
    • BUCS Bridge is hosting a Study Hour in the back lounge area of the Intercultural Student Center in Hendrick Hall on the following dates:
        • Wednesday, April 10, 7-9 p.m.
        • Thursday, April 18, 7-9 p.m.
        • Wednesday, May 8, 7-9 p.m.
        • Thursday, May 9, 7-9 p.m.
    • Peer Guides are excited to help students study in groups and get the peer support they need.

    World Languages & Cultures

    Spanish Tutoring

    • Open to all levels: Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-9 p.m.; Mondays and Wednesdays from 8-9 p.m. in Library 208.
    • Conversation Circles: Required for Intermediate Spanish, but open to all. Wednesdays, 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m., Westminster 246.
    • SI for Accelerated Elementary Spanish 111: Tuesdays, 7-8 p.m. in Dixon 208.
    • Spanish eTutoring

    French Tutoring 

    • Mondays and Wednesdays, 6-7 p.m. in Westminster 246.

    German and Chinese Tutoring 

    • While these languages currently do not have set tutoring hours, professors from these sections are available to help students when needed. Check your instructor's office hours.


    BAP (Beta Alpha Psi) Chapter Tutoring: Accounting Students

    • Monday: Weyerhaeuser Hall 210, 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
    • Tuesday: Weyerhaeuser Hall 205, 6-7 p.m.

    Writing Assistance: Whitworth Composition Commons (WCC)

    The Whitworth Composition Commons (WCC) offers individual and small-group writing consultations to any person affiliated with Whitworth. You can visit the commons for feedback on any aspect of writing, including getting started on an assignment, developing an argument, or final revising and editing. PowerPoint presentations, conference posters and other multimodal compositions are also welcomed! Sessions are somewhat short (30-60 minutes), so come with some specific questions about your project. To make an appointment for a consultation, navigate to, click on the “Make an Appointment” button, and follow the instructions provided. Drop-ins also welcomed.

    The WCC will offer face-to-face AND online writing consultations in spring 2024. When making your appointment, you will be prompted to choose your preference: "Meet Online? – No. Schedule face-to-face appointment" OR "Yes. Schedule online appointment." If you choose an online appointment, log back into the WCOnline website approximately five to ten minutes before the start of your appointment. Then, open the appointment you made and click "Start or Join Online Consultation." Face-to-face consultations will take place in Whitworth Library Room 242.

  • In Case of Academic Difficulty

    • Contact the professor of the class in which you are struggling. Your professor may have ideas for improvement, or may know of campus resources that can be helpful. The sooner you contact your professor, the better!
    • Work with the course TA, if one is available. Also attend study sessions if they are offered, or meet with other class members to work in study groups.
    • Meet with your academic advisor. You can request or change an advisor by picking up a Change of Advisor(s) Form from the registrar's office or printing the form from this link and returning to the registrar's office.
    • Take advantage of campus academic supports, including the Composition Commons, math labs, supplemental instruction opportunities and world language tutoring (see Academic Tutoring & Resources).
    • Contact educational support services, on the second floor of the HUB. This is particularly important if you have a documented learning disability. Information is available at
    • Student Success Coaches: Sign up for success coaching or learn more about the program. 
    • Take GE 148 (Planning: Major and Career) to explore your strengths and interests. This course is typically offered in the spring.

    Center for Career & Professional Development: 509.777.3272


    Tracy Mouser
    Director, Center for Career & Professional Development  

    Assistant Director for 
    Internships & Employer Relations

    • For further information about academic options, please contact Stacy Hill in academic affairs or Landon Crecelius in student success.
  • In Case of Emergency

    • Call: Call 911 for any potential safety or medical emergency. (When in doubt, call 911.) Then call Whitworth Security (509.777.4444) and notify the nearest Whitworth staff member. If circumstances clearly don't warrant an emergency response, contact the health & counseling center (509.777.4450) or another staff member or student leader about the best course of action.

    • Assess/Act: Use your best judgment to ensure your personal safety and the safety of those around you.

    • Monitor: Monitor university channels for information in case of a large-scale or general campus emergency. These channels include the university website, email, text messages, the switchboard and local media.

    For additional information on services provided by the health & counseling center, please visit &counselingcenter.

  • In Case of Financial Difficulty

    Please make an appointment with your financial aid counselor, located in McEachran Hall. Counselors are assigned by the first letter of your last name. All staff have undergraduate caseloads assigned by last name. The alphabet distribution is indicated as well as specific student populations. 

    Financial Aid Counselors

    Last Names A-G

    Leslie Kunkel
    Financial Aid Counselor

    Last Names H-L

    Traci Spoon Stensland
    Assistant Vice President, Student Financial Services

    Last Names M-S

    Lori Johnson                     
    Assistant Director

    Last Names T-Z

    John Breneman
    Associate Director, Systems, Student Financial Services

    Graduate and Continuing Studies Students

    David Barnes
    Senior Associate Director

    Scholarship Coordinator/International Students

    Anna Nelson

    Program Coordinator 

    Simon Mai

    Student Account Representatives

    Last Names A-L and Veterans 

    Ethan Starosta
    Student Account Specialist

    Continuing Studies and Graduate Students

    Jocelyn Arguinzoni
    Student Account Specialist

    Last Names M-Z, International, Act Six and Waianae 

    Rebecca Walker
    Senior Student Account Specialist

    If you have questions about satisfactory progress (for receiving financial aid), including the number of credits you must take and the grade-point average you must maintain for aid, please contact your financial aid advisor.

    Balance Your Bucs Workshops: Balance Your Bucs is a student-led personal-finance group that seeks to provide a foundation for a lifetime of financial well-being for every student on campus. 

  • Mental, Physical & Emotional Health Resources

    Interventions for Students with Health or Emotional Issues

    In a medical emergency, call 911.

    In a non-emergency situation, contact the Whitworth Health & Counseling Center, located in Schumacher Hall.

    If the student is reluctant to schedule a counseling appointment, offer to call the counseling center and assist in making the appointment. Students receive 10 counseling appointments per year. Call 509.777.3259 for an appointment. If a student is experiencing a mental health crisis call the 24/7 mental health access line at 509.777.3259, press 1 to speak to a professional counselor. 

    In any emergency, even on campus, 911 should be your first call. On campus non-emergency security matters should be reported to the Whitworth Security Office at 509.777.4444.

    If you're calling from a campus landline, dial just the last four digits of the telephone numbers listed below.

    Health & Counseling Center


    Medical Appointments


    Counseling Appointments


    Molly Dewalt, Director, Counseling Services


    Kristiana Holmes, Director, Health Center



    Chaplain Services: 509.777.4345

    Forrest Buckner, Dean of Spiritual Life


    Lauren Taylor, Campus Pastor

    Stephy Beans, Associate Chaplain for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Ministry




  • Support Services: Passport Program

    • Passport to Careers is a program designated for students who currently or previously experienced housing insecurity and/or have been in the foster care system in the state of Washington. 
    • Support services are provided each semester by designated support staff in student success & financial aid.
    • Some of the benefits eligible students may receive are tuition scholarships, programming/events with peers about topics such as financial literacy and career preparation, textbooks, personal expenses, internship fees, transportation, groceries and housing.  
    • Questions about eligibility for the Passport program? Contact Senior Associate Director of Financial Aid Dave Barnes at or Assistant Director for Student Success Mandolyn Hume at
  • Helpful Phone Numbers

    Academic Affairs: 509.777.3203

    Randall Michaelis, Associate Provost for Instruction; Transfer Seminar


    Melissa Rogers, Director of First-Year Programs





    Chaplain Services: 509.777.4345

    Forrest Buckner, Dean of Spiritual Life


    Mindy Smith, Campus Pastor, Small-Group Ministry Coordinator



    Student Success: 509.777.4973


    Landon Crecelius, Director of Student Success


    Emma Almquist, Student Success Specialist 


    Purnima Karki, Student Success Coordinator 



    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

    Beverly Kleeman, Registrar





    Alan Jacob, Associate Director of Student Housing



    Intercultural Center/International Center

    David Garcia, Assistant Dean for Student Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


    Lulu Gonzalez, Assistant Director for International Student Programs


    Marie Whalen, Associate Director of International Admissions & Recruitment



    Registrar: 509.777.3715


    Beverly Kleeman, Registrar


    Lorrie Workman (Last names A-K)


    Kerry Templeton (Last names L-Z)


    Mike Ediger, Health Sciences/Nursing Advisor 
    Julia Stronks, Pre-Law Advisor
    Mike Sardinia, Pre-Med Advisor



    Security: 509.777.4444



    Student Accounts: 509.777.4495


    Darla Freeborn, Manager
    Student Accounting Services


    Kathy Goligoski, Account Specialist 
    (Last names A-K)


    Carol Volkmuth, Account Specialist 
    (Last names L-Z)


    Amber Rogan, Account Specialist 
    (Last names O-Z)



    Student Life: 509.777.3271


    Rhosetta Rhodes, Vice President & Dean of Student Life


    Tim Caldwell, Director of Residence Life


    Taja D Davidson, Associate Dean 
    Community Standards and Compliance
