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Early Alert & Reporting

Whitworth is committed to seeing that the campus is safe and supportive for all. Below you will find links to forms for reporting incidents and concerns. For optimal performance, please use the Google Chrome browser to access forms. Thank you for keeping an eye out for our fellow Pirates.


Early Alert: Academic

Academic concerns include missing class, not turning in assignments, failing grades, classroom disruptions and/or personal student issues.

Early Alert: Concerning Behavior or Additional Support

Some examples of these behaviors could include sudden mood shifts, concerning communication, death in the family, health concerns, changes in eating or sleeping habits or depression-like symptoms. Additional support examples might include college navigation, academic help, etc.


Report: Bias Incident

A bias (or hate) incident is an act of conduct, speech or expression to which a biased motive relative to race, religion, disability status, ethnicity/national origin, gender or sexual orientation, or any other legally protected category is evident as a contributing factor. An “incident” is an act that does not rise to the level of a crime.

Report: Title IX - Sexual or Gender Harassment/Violence

Gender or sexual violence would be categorized as follows: unwelcome, harassing (which includes sexual harassment and sexual assault) behavior that is severe, pervasive and/or persistent. This category also includes rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, relationship violence and stalking.

If you have questions or concerns about which reporting link to use, please email or call Landon Crecelius at or 509.777.4973.