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University Policies

(Policies are listed alphabetically.)

Activities Policy

It is important that Whitworth's mission of educating mind and heart is reflected in the planning and implementation of university-sponsored student activities. Whitworth's mission and goals statement, coupled with its community behavioral expectations, provide the community with the necessary parameters within which to plan student activities. When planning such activities, measure the content and purpose of the event against the mission and goals of the university. The use of mature judgment and the liberal arts skills of critical thinking, analysis and research are imperative to planning events acceptable to the Whitworth community.

Specific Rules and Procedures for Activities:

  1. All events formally under the governance of ASWU (i.e., homecoming, dances, entertainers, movies, club and residence-hall events) and all events using funding from ASWU-managed accounts must be cleared by the assistant dean, student programs no later than one month prior to the event. Such requests are subject to campus-calendar-date availability. Students must fill out a Facilities Requisition Form online at least two weeks in advance of the planned event in order to ensure that the event will take place.
  2. Clubs that fail to follow the aforementioned procedures or that violate the policies or philosophy of the university are subject to loss of funding for the event or for the year, as well as loss of charter and further disciplinary sanctions.
  3. All events are subject to master-calendar-date availability.
  4. All Whitworth-sponsored student activities must adhere to the behavioral expectations listed in this student handbook. These policies apply to both on- and off-campus sponsored events.
  5. Under no circumstances may any organization use club/hall/ASWU funds to purchase alcoholic beverages. Any organization that does so will be subject to the university's disciplinary process. In addition, ASWU will administer disciplinary sanctions against the organization in violation; these sanctions may include but are not limited to revocation of funding, charter and recognition.

Policy for Noise Restrictions for Outdoor Activities:

Because Whitworth is in a residential neighborhood, those who plan outdoor activities must be sensitive to people who live in proximity to the university. Therefore, the following guidelines must be followed whenever an outdoor event is planned:

Any event involving music must observe the following rules:

  1. Ninety decibels is the maximum sound level allowed. The assistant dean, student programs or a designee will monitor the decibel level. If complaints are received from Whitworth neighbors, the level will be lowered by at least 20 decibels. If complaints continue, the director or his/her designee may decide to discontinue the event.
  2. Music must stop by midnight on weekends and by 10 p.m. on weekdays.
  3. All sound equipment must be turned toward the university.
  4. Any event that involves the surrounding neighborhood must observe the following rules:
    • Scavenger hunts, club drives or tours through the neighborhood must be held in an orderly fashion. Noise levels and respect for neighbors and their personal property must be primary considerations.
    • All events (including weekend events) must conclude by 9 p.m.
    • All events must be cleared by the assistant dean, student programs.

Failure to comply with these regulations could result in the following sanctions:

  1. Bands/DJs may be asked to shut down if decibel levels are above regulated levels or if complaints are received.
  2. Subsequent events may be canceled, and the sponsoring organization may be fined $25, for violations of noise/property/time policies.

Business Office Procedures

Submission of registration/withdrawal forms obligates each student for payment of applicable tuition and fees, including late fees, that may be assessed on unpaid balances (including late fees previously assessed), as well as any subsequent collection expenses and fees (including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, collection fees, court costs and other out-of-pocket expenses). This implies acceptance of the university's financial policies. It is the student's responsibility to pay his/her bill on time and to ensure that his/her registration/withdrawal is correctly processed. Students should be aware that billing rates may change if their registration type and/or status changes.

Whitworth reserves the right to withhold student information, including transcripts and diplomas, if there is any unpaid balance from tuition, fees, room and board.  Once a student’s account has been paid in full, and all Whitworth and Perkins Loan payments are current, students will be permitted to register for a term.

A student's written authorization is required for Pell and SEOG grants; Perkins, university, federal and Stafford loans; and PLUS checks to cover charges other than tuition, fees, or room and board, or for Whitworth to hold any of these funds in excess of the above charges on an account. This authorization form is included in the billing process form that all students are required to complete prior to the beginning of the fall semester. Financial aid checks are issued on Thursday and Fridays. Students are expected to take this into consideration when planning their budgets for books and other personal expenses. When a student withdraws from Whitworth, his/her tuition refund will be issued within 10 days after all adjustments to financial aid, scholarship returns to grantors and other account charges have been processed.


Students are encouraged to retain a picture and/or a detailed description of their bicycles, along with the bicycle's serial number, for identification purposes in the event the bicycle is stolen. Students should lock their bicycles in provided racks when the bikes are not in use. Students should consider using a "U" bolt when securing their bicycle. "U" bolts are constructed of hardened steel and provide the greatest degree of protection.

Computer-User Responsibility Agreement

The purpose of this agreement is to outline user responsibilities in the legal and ethical use of Whitworth's computers in order to maintain confidentiality of data, files, computers and networks as well as to protect the proprietary rights of third parties and of the university.

All users have the responsibility to do the following things:

  • Check their Whitworth email accounts regularly for messages from the university.
  • Participate in assuring legal and ethical use of university computers and user accounts.
  • Install and use an antivirus software program (the university help desk can recommend free versions available for use) on personal computers connected to the university network.
  • Abide by the Whitworth computer policy approved by the president's cabinet. 

Computer Use Policy

Computing and related technology is provided by the university for legitimate applications directly related to a student's academic and/or professional work, to allow students, faculty and staff to conduct academic research or university-related business, and for communication related to classes and class assignments. Inappropriate uses of this technology include behaviors that:

  • Impede its intended purpose
  • Intentionally block or overload the system or prevent its use by others
  • Are solely or mainly for commercial gain
  • Are threatening or harassing in nature
  • Are destructive or disruptive of educational or community life

Whitworth's policy regarding appropriate use of technology prohibits the downloading or viewing of pornographic material other than for legitimate academic purposes. The university operates a filter on the campus network in order to restrict Internet access to pornographic material. The filter applies to all faculty, staff and student computer users on campus. (Exceptions can be found in the full Internet-filter policy on the university website.) Public terminals in the library (including computer labs) are unfiltered in the interest of assuring full access on campus for legitimate purposes. These terminals remain subject to the appropriate-use policy. Finally, all enrolled students' names are on the campus server; they cannot be removed to keep students from receiving email messages.

Disability Discrimination Grievance Procedure

It is Whitworth's policy not to discriminate against any student on the basis of a disability and to resolve any complaints of disability discrimination in a prompt and efficient manner in accordance with the procedure outlined below. The university's Rehabilitation Act/Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator can be reached at 509.777.3380.

If a student believes that s/he has been discriminated against because of a disability, s/he may submit a complaint in writing to the associate dean for community standards and compliance in student life. The university representative to whom the complaint has been submitted shall promptly investigate the complaint to determine whether a violation of the university's policy against discrimination based on a disability has occurred and, if so, to decide what, if any, corrective action is appropriate under the circumstances. In making this determination, the university representative may request information relevant to the complaint from various parties, including the student who has submitted the complaint. The university representative will notify the student in writing of the resolution of the complaint.

A student who believes that a complaint has not been resolved appropriately may submit an appeal to the vice president for student life in the HUB, 509.777.3272. Any such appeal must be submitted in writing within 10 business days of the student's receipt of the resolution of the complaint. The student will be notified in writing of the outcome of the appeal. No further appeals will be allowed.

Email Policy

Campus-wide student email messages should be sent only by those employees specifically assigned that responsibility in their job descriptions or by their supervisors. These email messages should be restricted to messages that affect the general business of Whitworth students and those that are of interest to most or all student members of the campus community. All-student emails can be sent only by Whitworth-sponsored organizations that are staging events or providing information for the entire campus.

Emails for academic classes cannot be sent via all-campus emails. ASWU clubs have one month to develop their list serves of members. After this time, emails for club events not involving the whole campus should be sent only to members.

Emergency Response Plan

The safety and well-being of the campus community are Whitworth's highest priorities. A foundational principle of our crisis communications plan is to be proactive and to communicate openly, honestly and frequently with students, parents, employees and others in the community, in the belief that providing timely, reliable information will enable those engaged in the crisis to do their work more effectively and will allow those affected by the crisis to be safer and better- informed.

Whitworth has the staff, planning and resources in place to respond effectively to a broad range of possible emergencies. The Whitworth Emergency Response Plan is based on the incident- command-system structure used and recommended by local, state and federal emergency- response agencies. Whitworth's Enterprise Risk Management Committee regularly reviews and tests the university's emergency response plan and procedures. Staff members with assigned responsibilities in the plan participate in campus training and exercises to refine our level of preparation. Campus-wide drills are conducted twice a year that typically include our staff, faculty, students and community.

In the event of a campus emergency, the Whitworth University community will be notified through the IP Clock public address systems and emergency blue light public address systems and will receive WhitAlert emergency texts. Information updates will be available through the Campus News section of our website at, through the Whitworth switchboard at 509.777.1000, and through email messages sent to students, parents, faculty and staff. Depending on the nature of the emergency, the university may communicate with local media to have information disseminated via their broadcasts and websites.

To view the Whitworth Emergency Response Plan, visit

Employment Grievance and Termination Policy for Students

In accordance with equal employment opportunity regulations, the student employment program reviews concerns from students and supervisors regarding employment grievances and termination as needed.

Appealing Whitworth Policies

Concerns related to Whitworth's financial policies should be referred to the Whitworth Student Financial Services Office. An appeals process is available. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 requires that federal aid be withdrawn from students convicted of the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance. Whitworth does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin or physical disability. 

Internet Usage and Postings

Students have free access to the Internet, including websites such as Facebook. However, students need to be responsible with postings to their personal sites, understanding that anything posted that breaks university policy or civil law could be considered a violation of the university's behavioral expectations. In addition, for safety and security reasons, students should not post any specific identifying information about themselves, such as personal phone numbers or university email addresses, on such websites.

Movies: Showing of Copyrighted DVDs/Videos/Streamed Visual Content in Public Places

U.S. Copyright laws and end user agreements govern the use of rented, borrowed and/or privately-owned video-recorded and streamed content. These laws limit the use of such materials to personal or home settings (at Whitworth, to one’s residence hall room only). Therefore, we ask that you abide by the following rules:

  • Refrain from showing DVDs/videos/streamed visual content in public areas (residence hall lounges, classrooms, the HUB, outdoors, etc.) without purchasing rights for public performance.
  • Refrain from using public-address systems (radio, email and webpages) or printed materials to advertise a DVD/video/streamed media showing without purchasing advertising rights.
  • Refrain from using DVD/video/streamed visual content as a fundraiser without purchasing public performance rights, advertising rights and fundraising rights.
  • Refrain from using a DVD/video/streamed visual content showing to promote a specific organization and/or cause (other than sanctioned, face to face, credit-bearing educational classes) for purposes of discussion, education or otherwise without purchasing public performance
  • Limit your DVD/video/streamed visual content viewing audience to your residence hall room.
  • Do not illegally download copyrighted material or share copyrighted files.

If you have questions regarding these guidelines or their application to a specific showing, please contact the residence life office, the student activities office, or instructional technology/media services.

Photographing/Filming of Students

Photographers and videographers employed or contracted by the university take photographs and video (including image and/or voice) of students to illustrate or describe various aspects of university and campus life. Photos/videos may be taken at common on-campus venues including athletics events, and concerts, and in other organized campus photo/video shoots. Individuals who are photographed/filmed while attending a public event or who agree to participate in a photo or video shoot give Whitworth the right to use their likenesses in any and all print and electronic materials used by the university. The university will retain the usage rights to the photographs and videography in perpetuity.

Posting Advertisements on Campus

Advertisements for events can be posted only on campus by Whitworth-sponsored organizations or departments. All fliers, posters, etc., need an "Approved to Post" stamp from the ASWU desk in the HUB before they are posted. For additional information please see the posting policy kept by the assistant dean for student life.

The posting of advertisements does not indicate Whitworth's endorsement of any of the posted ideas or events. Each building on campus has designated areas where flyers and posters can be hung; students who post information that promotes their organizations should be aware of these areas. Posters must be affixed to the wall with blue painter's tape only.

Selling Items on Campus

No fundraising or solicitation is allowed on campus except for the purposes listed below:

  • Publicizing the availability of university-recognized auxiliary services (bookstore, café, coffee house, etc.)
  • Advertising of special educational promotions (like wholesale computer sales)
  • Delivery of the newspaper
  • Approved fundraising sales for Whitworth-sponsored organizations

All proposed fundraising sales and solicitation requests must be approved in advance by the director of student activities.

Student Fundraising Policy

Whitworth University recognizes that certain student groups' financial needs must be met by special fundraising projects. Institutional advancement (IA) wishes to assist and encourage those who seek to raise funds or solicit gifts from the business community or friends of the university. As a matter of stewardship and courtesy to our donors, it is important to coordinate fundraising efforts to avoid oversaturating the same individuals, companies and corporations with appeals throughout the year; therefore, the following policy has been implemented:

  1. All solicitation activities by student groups must be coordinated through IA. This includes any letters requesting funding.
  2. Proposals must be submitted in writing to institutional advancement, at Details to be included:
    1. Name and description of project
    2. Purpose for which funds will be raised
    3. Amount to be raised
    4. Plans to raise needed funds and draft of a solicitation letter
    5. Names and addresses of individuals and businesses to be contacted
  3. Submit plans for projects at least two weeks prior to implementation.
  4. After receiving your proposal, IA will review your list of potential donors. If any of the donors are involved in other Whitworth fundraising projects, you may be asked not to solicit these donors.
  5. A list of all business donors should be sent to Maxine Lammers following each event. Please note:
    1. On-campus fundraising is limited to a Whitworth class project or an ASWU project.
    2. A copy of the Whitworth University 501(c)(3) tax letter of determination (confirming our nonprofit status) may be provided only to a funder who is writing a check to Whitworth University for a class or ASWU project.
    3. The university will not serve as a "pass through" account, whereby a check is written to Whitworth, deposited in a university account, and then dispersed to another nonprofit for which the funds are intended, unless the activity is part of our educational program (i.e., academic class or student life program).

Vehicle Operations Policy

Please click here to read Whitworth's Vehicle Operations Policy.

Weapons, Fireworks and Explosive Devices

Whitworth is a weapons-free campus. Firearms, fireworks, explosives and explosive devices, and other weapons are prohibited anywhere on property owned or leased by Whitworth, including campus buildings, theme houses, Whitworth downtown, and university-sponsored off-campus events. The term "weapons" includes, but is not limited to, flammable gases/materials or components that could become explosive (e.g., propane tanks, helium tanks, etc.), firearms, pellet/BB guns, paintball guns, home-manufactured cannons, bows and arrows, martial-arts devices, switchblade knives and other knives (with the exception of kitchen knives) with blades longer than 3 inches.

This prohibition applies to all members of the Whitworth community as well as to visitors. Violations of this policy by students may result in sanctions up to and including suspension. Violations of this policy by faculty or staff may result in disciplinary action up to and including loss of the offender's position at Whitworth.

The two exceptions to this policy are 1) weapons, etc., used by law-enforcement officers in the course of their duties; and 2) explosives used by faculty for academic purposes. Exceptions must be authorized by the director of security.

Reporting violations of this policy: The university expects all members of the community to help maintain safety and security on campus and at university-sponsored off-campus events. Anyone who has knowledge of violations of this policy has an obligation to report that knowledge promptly to the director of campus security at 509.777.3712 or to an on-duty security officer at 509.777.4444.

Webpages, Student Organizations and Clubs

As a service to its students, Whitworth provides web-hosting options for ASWU clubs and organizations. Student club/organization webpages are not subject to Whitworth's visual identity standards but must be consistent with Whitworth's mission, university computer-user policy, computer-use agreement, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and the student handbook. Designs and content must be reviewed and approved by both the student activities office and the university communications office before finished projects may be posted. In addition, all student club/organization webpages must display the following text: This page is not an official Whitworth publication, and its contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the university or of its administration, faculty or staff.