Activities & Involvement Opportunities
(Opportunities are listed alphabetically.)
ASWU: Isaac Price, 509.777.4559, or Todd Sandberg, 509.777.3714
Whitworth's undergrads are an important part of Associated Students of Whitworth University (ASWU). This organization and its elected officers, hall senators and reps, program coordinators, and club officers are dedicated to serving the social, spiritual, educational and recreational needs of Whitworth students. ASWU is the voice of the student body: All students, from freshmen to seniors, are invited to participate. Come join us in the HUB every Wednesday at 5 p.m.
ASWU Residence Hall Senators and Representatives: Bobbi Jo Crittenden, 509.777.4556
During spring semester, each residence hall elects a senator to serve as its representative to ASWU. This student attends weekly assembly meetings at which s/he receives information about university business, policy and current issues. In turn, the senator reports to ASWU the business of their residence hall, along with any student issues that require action by the assembly. The senator is also responsible for coordinating hall-specific traditions (Mac Hall Haunted House, the Duvall Drive-In, etc.)
Arend Hall: Aloisa Morales-Saldana
Baldwin-Jenkins Hall: TBD
Ballard Hall: Abby Ruffcorn
Boppell Hall: Eli Roberts
Duvall Hall: Jordan Voigt
McMillan Hall: Michael Barnes
Off-Campus: Abi Prather
Oliver Hall: TBD
Stewart Hall and the Village: Eli Harris
Building Unity & Cultivating Success (BUCS) Bridge Program: Shari Clark, 509.777.4572
The Building Unity & Cultivating Success (BUCS) Bridge Program is a yearlong program designed to serve first-year students from first-generation and/or underrepresented Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), and/or historically underrepresented student groups. This program starts with a pre-orientation component to help incoming students adjust to the Whitworth University environment before first-year orientation. The pre-orientation week consists of three pillars: community-building, identity development and college navigation. After the pre-orientation, participants, which are known as protégés, may opt in for a yearlong mentoring program facilitated by our student leaders, called peer guides. They will continue to assist first-year students with their transition to Whitworth.
2024-25 BUCS Bridge peer guides: Contact Marina Davis for a list of peer guides.
Chapel Programming: Campus Pastor Forrest Buckner, 509.777.4506
Whitworth's campus ministry, housed in Seeley Mudd Chapel in the Beeksma Family Theology Center, offers a variety of programs that provide opportunities for every student to take steps closer to Jesus. Through weekly community worship gatherings, student-led ministries, opportunities for Christian growth in the residence halls (with the resident campus ministry coordinators), Life Groups and special events, you can get involved in activities and relationships that enable you to discover God's love, God's purpose for your life and how to share that love with the world. You are welcome to set up an individual meeting with a campus pastor to talk about life or faith as well!
Daily and Weekly Chapel Events
Chapel Community Worship: Students, faculty and staff join in worship together through the Word, prayer, music, testimony and the Lord's Supper every Tuesday and Thursday from 11-11:30 a.m.
Hosanna: A weekly student-led gathering in the chapel at 9:45 p.m. on Tuesdays providing space for worship through music, prayer, Scripture, art and reflection.
Awake: A welcoming community of students come together in the HUB Multipurpose Room every Wednesday at 8 p.m. to wrestle with who God is, who we are and why that even matters.
Morning Prayer: On Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8:30-8:50 a.m. in the lantern room of the music building, a small group of students, staff and faculty join together for a simple and peaceful service of prayer, hymn and Scripture.
Life Groups: Weekly small groups for eight weeks each semester led by faculty and staff that are focused on building community and growing in relationship with God. Sign up on the chapel webpage at the beginning of each semester.
Campus Ministry Coordinators: Campus Pastor Lauren Taylor, 509.777.4341
Campus ministry coordinators (CMCs) work behind the scenes to help students grow closer to Jesus in their resident halls. This can look a variety of ways from small group Bible studies, theological discussions, prayer times, worship nights or just grabbing coffee with students who are looking to connect on a deeper level. Most programs are geared toward helping students grow in their faith, although the CMCs provide fun and relational support for all residents, including coming alongside those who are simply exploring faith.
Clubs: Gwen Brantner, 509.777.3837
Whitworth’s clubs and organizations are listed below. Whitworth University offers student clubs that are accessible to all matriculated day students. Participation is not limited by race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin or disability. For more information on how you can get involved in one of these organizations or begin your own club, email Gwen at Additional information is available at
ACT Club
Artists’ Cooperative
Asian Alliance Club
Association of Minorities in STEM
Astronomy Club
Athletic Training Club
Band of Whitworth Pirates (Pep-Band)
Bangarang Ultimate Frisbee
Beta Alpha Psi
Black Student Union
Bowling Club
Business Club
Camaraderie of the Armed Forces
Camp Kesem
Catholic Fellowship
Chemistry and Other Sciences (CHAOS)
Chess Club
Cool Whip
Disability Awareness Club
En Christo
Environmental Action Coalition (EAC)
FASA (Filipino-American Student Association)
Gaming Club
Gender Equality Movement (GEM)
Generation Action
Generations Connect
Guitar Club
Girl Gains
HOLA: Hispanic-American Club
Hidden Opponent
History Club
International Club
Jubilation Dance Ministry
Martial Arts Club
Math Club
Meals in the Margins
Men’s Club Soccer
Network of Enlightened Women (N.E.W.)
Pirates United Club
Pirates Fighting Against Hunger
Political Science Club
Polynesian Club
Pre-Med/Science Club
Pre-Occupational Therapy Club
Psi Chi/Psychology Club
Storyteller’s Club
Students for Life
Student Investment Club
Swing & Ballroom Dance Club
Teachers of Tomorrow
Turning Point USA
UMOJA (African Culture Club)
United States Against Sweatshops (USAS)
Westminster Round
Women in Finance
Womxn Rock
Women’s Club Soccer
Cultural-Diversity Advocates: Brett MacKenzie, 509.777.4572
Cultural-diversity advocates (CDA) are part of Whitworth's student leadership programs. They work to encourage the development of a community that values individual differences and respects the rights and opinions of all Whitworth students. One of their primary responsibilities is assisting international students as they make the transition to campus. Additionally, CDAs develop cultural programming around campus to inform, educate and provide social activities for all Whitworth students. They are trained and supervised by the Whitworth Office of Student Diversity, Equity & Inclusion staff.
Office of Student Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Shari Clarke, 509.777.4572
Located in Hendrick Hall, Whitworth’s Office of Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (SDEI) seeks to support and sustain a welcoming campus environment for all students, staff and faculty. Our office strives to enhance persistence efforts for underrepresented student populations and works to identify possible engagement gaps. We seek to ensure that the campus community is open to the experiences of individuals who identify with underrepresented communities, through educational, informational and social programs. We support the campus university in intercultural competency skill development through intercultural educational programs and the provision of a resource center for students, staff and faculty. The premise that the development of intercultural skills will lead to individual, institutional and global reconciliation is central to our vision. Other resources and programs from the Office of Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion includes the Intercultural Student Center, International Student Services, Cultural Diversity Advocates, Act Six Leadership scholarship, Empower U Workshops, Diversity Monologues and BUCS Bridge.
Student Success & Equity (Sub Unit in the Student Life Division): 509.777.4330
The Student Success & Equity (SSE) Unit supports the mission of the university through its collaborative efforts to foster student learning and achievement by providing services and supports necessary for students to accomplish their academic goals. SSE works to ensure that our diverse student body has an equitable opportunity to live and learn at Whitworth University. Our programs and initiatives create an inclusive community that challenges students, faculty, and staff to think critically and broaden their cultural knowledge bases in our ever-changing society. This area is committed to improving and strengthening greater synergy around retention, persistence and access efforts at Whitworth University. By coordinating campus-wide efforts to develop effective onboarding and support mechanisms along students' pathways toward their educational goals. Multiple programs support the work of advancing student outcomes. Offices connected to the student success & equity unit include student success department, Office of Student Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion and the education support services office.
Cultural Events Coordinator: Reeshika Sharma, 509.777.4788
Designed to offer special assistance to underrepresented populations at Whitworth, this position provides advising, programming and services to the campus community. Multicultural student programs are designed to meet the needs of our diverse student body. We encourage the exploration of personal leadership, academic excellence, community service, assistance with the recruitment of multicultural students, and full participation in the Whitworth community.
Employment on Campus: Student Employment Office, 509.777.4707
The Center for Career & Professional Development, first floor in the HUB, will assist you in finding an on- or off-campus job. Check out the job posting website Handshake at for job openings.
Intramurals: 509.777.3714
Intramurals engage the campus community in a variety of sports throughout the academic year. They provide an excellent opportunity for both students and faculty to participate in competitions at either the recreational or competitive level. No athletic experience required!
Sports are offered periodically throughout the year and include: basketball, volleyball, flag football, soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, softball, dodgeball, floor hockey, cornhole and more. Individual participants pay a players fee to participate. More information can be found within the "intramurals" tab on the U-Rec website (
Canopy (the yearbook) Editor: 509.777.4240
If you have an interest in photography, journalism or graphic design, or if you want to learn the skills associated with these activities, the staff of Whitworth's yearbook, Canopy, needs your help in creating Whitworth's annual chronicle of campus history. You'll also get course credit!
Off-Campus Senator: Abi Prather, 509.777.4237
Living off campus presents a completely new set of opportunities for students. Activities and services designed just for the commuter student include off-campus barbecues and other social outings. Whitworth's commuter students have a strong tradition of fulfilling leadership roles in ASWU, and all off-campus students are strongly encouraged to participate in on-campus events. To become involved in this programming, contact the ASWU office and the off-campus student senator.
Outdoor Recreation: 509.777.4561
Outdoor recreation offers a wide variety of adventurous opportunities throughout the academic year. The program offers hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, snowshoeing, skiing and snowboarding, mountaineering, ice climbing, and mountain biking trips. We seek to connect students with one another and the surrounding area through new and exciting ways of experiencing the great outdoors. Contact the U-Rec member services desk with rental equipment questions or see what we offer at
Residence Hall Leadership Staffs
Each residence hall has a group of student leaders who work together to provide for the health and happiness of their communities. ASWU senators, campus ministry coordinators, resident assistants, assistant area coordinators and the area coordinators make up each leadership working group.
Resident Assistants: Krista Maroni,
Residence life is an opportunity for students, staff and faculty to explore what it means to be part of a community called to care for each other in cooperative ways. Resident assistants aid residents in creating a sense of community within their living areas through the programs they offer. They help students to develop a sense of responsibility for their actions and for their contributions to the community. RAs serve as role models and assist in the administration of their residence halls. In addition, RAs host "PrimeTime" programs every night in the resident hall lounges. Attending PrimeTime is a great way to meet other residents.
- Arend Hall: Elise Schaaj, Elsi McFarland, Jason Schillinger, Liliana Nunez-Taylor, Josh Everest, Jezika Kalaitzian
- Baldwin-Jenkins Hall: Mohammed Umar Khan, Noah Dunham, Kolina Perreira-Alimoot, Anna Cocking, Austin Vaughn, Ashton Torres, Lydia McNelly, Marisol Mendez
- Ballard Hall: Kaitlynn McConnell, Ryann Bunch, Sophia Ray Anderson
- Boppell Hall: Ismael Perez, Jacob Winchester (spring), Olivia Yalovskiy (fall), Zora Anetor-Ebahabha
- Duvall Hall: Adina Stover, Brianna Vergara, Jack Ireton, JC Rawls, Pierce Hill, Sophia Stadler, Trevon Pietz, Cade Perkins
- McMillan Hall: Ryland Gabriel, Jotham Walugembe, Nick Baker
- Oliver Hall: Brianna Tira, Faith Rice, Bronte Kaluza, Justin Roth, Lauren Tinz, Mason Carlisle, Nicholas Kar, Stella Palmisano
- Stewart Hall: Joseph Bickford, Noa Lovegren
- The Neighborhoods: Manuel A. Valencia, McKenna DeVos, Natalie Ellis
- The Village: Samuel Ortega (fall), Rebecca Van Wyk, Collin Campbell (spring), Stephanie Fery
Area Coordinators: Krista Maroni,
The area coordinator (AC) is the full-time professional overseeing multiple residence halls. ACs work with the resident assistants (RAs) in each building to ensure safety and to build community. ACs specialize in roommate conflict, leadership development, and creating learning for the co-curricular education.
Arend Hall/Stewart Hall: Evan Humphreys,
Baldwin-Jenkins Hall/ Village: AC Becky Arringdale, Baldwin apartment,
Ballard Hall/McMillan Hall: Graduate Assistant Marie Curtis
Boppell Hall/Oliver Hall: AC Bailey Sauls, Oliver apartment,
Duvall Hall/Whitworth Neighborhoods: AC Jade Faletoi, Duvall apartment,
Spiritual Life Coordinator Jude Ruetschle: 509.777.4553
Want to explore your own spiritual life or understand the belief system of someone else? Looking for creative opportunities to grow in your Christian faith or put your faith into practice? Seeking other like-minded people who care about things God cares about in the world? Interested in creative expressions of Christian worship or art? The spiritual life coordinator, whose office is located in ASWU, is ready to listen and give everyone a voice.
Sustainability Coordinator: 509.777.4790
If you're interested in learning more about how to "live green," get involved in recycling, composting, eating and shopping locally, and growing sustainable products, give Talea a call. Also, check out the Environmental Action Coalition (EAC) club.
Teaching and Research Assistants
Many Whitworth faculty members would appreciate having student assistants to help grade assignments, assist with research, and teach small groups of students in their courses. Contact the faculty member you'd like to assist, and offer your services. For more information, please refer to the university catalog:
University Recreation Center: Courtney Fairhart, 509.777.3734,
The University Recreation Center (U-Rec) invites the Whitworth community to pursue physical fitness and whole-self wellness. Intramurals and outdoor recreation and student led group fitness are programs that can be found at the U-Rec. The facility includes cardiovascular equipment, powerlifting stations, weight equipment, an indoor track, a climbing wall and bouldering area, and a three-court gymnasium equipped for volleyball, badminton, pickle ball, soccer and basketball. Training equipment, which includes dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells and free weights, are also available to complete your workout. No matter your current level of activity, the U-Rec staff will welcome you, answer your questions, and help guide you with your pursuit of personal fitness and wellness. U-Rec access is free for all currently enrolled, full-time students whom have a current and valid ID card. T-shirts and tank tops must cover your sides (aka ribs and belly) and water is the only beverage allowed in the facility. Come and check us out!
Volunteer Opportunities: Dornsife Center for Community Engagement, Daniel Geiter, 509.777.4279. Find us online at
Whitworth's Dornsife Center for Community Engagement connects students with service opportunities to help students learn while growing our local community. Students interested in volunteering with charitable, nonprofit, faith-based or government agencies can search opportunities online at or visit in person to learn about our partners. The Dornsife Center works with clubs, residence halls and community organizations to coordinate one-time and ongoing service projects. You can make a difference using any of the pathways, like philanthropy, direct service, activism and advocacy, research, public policy or social entrepreneurship. We can connect you with organizations across Spokane working to address critical issues that matter to you. Join us to gain a greater understanding of the needs of others, of your vocational interests, and your skills and values. We are located on the first floor in Weyerhaeuser Hall. Contact us via email ( or the web ( Learn more about our partnering agencies and sign up to volunteer at
Whitworth Radio Manager, Avery Hunt: 509.777.4560
Whitworth Radio is the campus online radio station streaming 24/7 online at, funded by ASWU. The station format includes all forms of music, talk shows, and, on occasion, coverage of Whitworth sporting events. For more information, email Follow @whitworthfm on Instagram and X (Twitter) for updates on how to get involved.
The Whitworthian (campus newspaper) Editor: 509.777.3248
The Whitworthian is the monthly student newspaper and daily news website. In the past, the Whitworthian has received a number of prestigious awards, including Best All-Around Non-Daily Student Newspaper, from the National Mark of Excellence Awards, sponsored by the Society of Professional Journalists. All aspiring journalists, reporters and photographers, as well as any other interested students, are invited to become a part of the team that reports on the latest breaking issues and events on the Whitworth campus. During the academic year, you'll also want to visit for current online news.
Whom to Call to Get Involved: ASWU Leadership 2023-24, 509.777.3276
- Georgia Goff, President
- Grace Johnson, Vice President
- Michael Stavridis, Finance Director
- Jamie Gassman, Communications Director
- Litzy Soltero-Arriaga, Campus Activities Coordinator
- Gwen Brantner, Club Coordinator
- Reeshika Sharma, Cultural-Events Coordinator
- Samie Schaffer, Senior Class Coordinator
- Grace Uppendahl, Traditional Events Coordinator
- Talea Blasko, Sustainability Coordinator
- Angel Ainembabazi, Spiritual Life Coordinator
- Arend Hall: Jennedy Cruz Hernandez
- Baldwin-Jenkins Hall: TBD
- Ballard Hall: Eleanor Bonikowsky
- Boppell Hall: Joie Kane
- Duvall Hall: Austin Wolfe
- McMillan Hall: Matthew White
- Off-Campus: Bobbi Jo Crittenden
- Oliver Hall: Stephanie Fery
- Stewart/Village: Eli Harris
Whitworth Media:
- Avery Hunt, Whitworth Radio Manager
- Bella Friedman, Canopy Editor
- Emma Maple, Whitworthian Editor