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University Council

University Council serves as Whitworth's chief strategic planning committee. Composed of senior administrators, faculty, staff and student leaders, the council is equipped to provide definition, oversight and strategic leadership to the university’s highest priorities. Through its stewardship of the university's vision and next strategic plan, University Council will provide governance, creativity and accountability as the university implements its vision for the future. The council will be chaired and administered through the office of the president by the president and his staff. Budget resources for the council's operations and expenses will be covered through the office of the president. The council will meet monthly September through May.

The primary responsibilities of University Council include:

  • Monitoring the progress and implementation of Whitworth's next strategic plan through key performance indicators, as defined by the plan, to provide accountability and assessment;
  • Serving as champions of the strategic plan to internal and external constituencies, including to the board of trustees;
  • Establishing a limited number of annual strategic priorities that signal important targets or areas of focus for the university;
  • Providing feedback and counsel to committees, departments, divisions and others with respect to strategic plan alignment;
  • Providing recommendations to the vice president for finance & administration as needed to ensure a rational linkage between strategic priorities and financial planning and budgeting;
  • Periodically assessing progress on strategic goals and making adjustments as necessary; and
  • Serving as a committee of senior advisors to the president and the president's cabinet.

University Council will have the authority to form special committees or enlist existing committees as needed to accomplish its responsibilities. Special committees can be composed of outside faculty, staff, students, alumni, trustees and other constituencies, as needed.

Membership on University Council will primarily be ex officio, i.e., as a function of the member's leadership position. Five members will be appointed to at-large positions from the ranks of faculty, staff, and students, each serving two-year terms. Years in parentheses after names indicate when a member's appointment will end. Ex officio members of the University Council are:

  • President: Scott McQuilkin
  • President's Cabinet
    • Interim Chief Diversity Officer: Micki Abercrombie-Donahue
    • Interim Provost: John Pell
    • Vice President for Enrollment Management: Joshua Hibbard
    • Vice President & Chief Operations Officer: Ken Brown
    • Vice President, Institutional Advancement: Stacey Kamm Smith
    • Vice President, Student Life & Dean of Students: Rhosetta Rhodes
    • Associate Vice President, Finance & Administration: Taylor Hoffard
    • Associate Vice President, Marketing & Communications: Joe Hughes
    • Associate Vice President & Chief Human Resource Officer: Ariane Oglesbee
    • Assistant Vice President for Research & Innovation: Greg Orwig
    • Dean of Spiritual Life: Forrest Buckner
    • Director of Athletics: Timothy Demant
  • Associate Provost: Stacy Hill
  • Interim Dean, College of Arts & Sciences: Erica Salkin
  • Dean, School of Business: Timothy Wilkinson
  • Dean, School of Health Sciences: Mike Ediger
  • Dean, Continuing Studies & Graduate Admissions: Brooke Kiener
  • Dean of the Library & Special Programs: Amanda Clark
  • Faculty President: Mark Baird (2025) 
  • President, Associated Students of Whitworth University: Isaac Price (2025)
  • Chair, Staff Governance Council: Emilee Bosh
  • Chair, Faculty Economic Welfare Committee: Matt Silvers
  • Director, Assessment & Accreditation: Deanna Ojennus (2025)
  • Assistant Provost for Global Learning and Accreditation & Assessment: Nick McKinney
  • Senior Associate Vice President of Institutional Advancement: Tad Wisenor
  • Assistant Vice President, Student Retention: Tim Caldwell
  • Director, George F. Whitworth Honors Program; Associate Professor, English: Bert Emerson
  • Associate Director, Technology & Instructional Support Services: Judy Dehle
  • Chair, Sustainability Committee: Brandon Pyle
  • Strategic Planning Co-Chair: Dawn Keig  
  • President's Office: Dale Hammond

In addition to faculty, staff and student representation among the ex officio members, at-large members of University Council are:

  • Three faculty members (as elected by Faculty Assembly)
    • Grant Casady (Professor, Biology) (2026)
    • Kathryn Picanco (Professor, Education) (2025)
    • Haley Jacob (Associate Professor, Theology) (2026)
  • One staff member (as recommended by the Staff Governance Council): Jenny Keen (2025) 
  • One student member (as recommended by ASWU): Sophie St. Jacques (2025)
  • One graduate student (appointed by the president's office): Riley Flanagan (2026)