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Mind & Heart Newsletter: Summer 2012

An update from Whitworth University President Beck A. Taylor

It's no secret that I'm a big fan of social media. It's also true that the newest tools to connect people and organizations via the Internet have come under scrutiny – many of us know the stories of celebrities and politicians who have misused the ability to post their opinions (or worse) immediately for the whole world to see, or of people who sit for hours doing nothing more than waiting for the next cute cat video on YouTube. I, for one, am guilty of occasionally spending too much time reading about the antics of basketball star Shaquille O'Neal on Twitter or peering into the lives of former high school football buddies on Facebook. I recently read a disturbing report that the word "Facebook" appeared in more than one-third of divorce filings in England in 2011. I suppose that some people will always find a way to abuse new technologies. But I've simply found no better tool than social media to communicate quickly with Whitworth's various constituencies. An occasional 140-character tweet or a Facebook post about an important campus event or news item is immediately communicated to thousands of people connected to the university. As Whitworth's president, I find that it would be easy to allow my schedule and responsibilities to create distance between me and the students I love so deeply. While it's no substitute for the face-to-face interaction I have with students in the dining hall or at a campus event, I find that social media tools allow me to keep a better tab on the lives of students, and they also make me more accessible. I've also used my TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook accounts to communicate regularly with alumni and parents all over the world. For instance, it's gratifying to receive a thank-you message from a parent who's seen a posted picture of me with her student, telling me how much closer that photo makes her feel to her loved one and to the university. Our admissions and alumni teams recently started forming Facebook pages for each incoming freshman class. For example, the students who will be joining the Whitworth family this fall have been getting to know each other for several months now on the Facebook page dedicated to the Class of 2016. It's fun to read how excited they are about coming to Whitworth as they share their class schedules and residence hall assignments, ask questions about Whitworth, and introduce themselves and their interests to their new friends. Occasionally, a new student will share a favorite Bible verse or mention a prayer request. Within hours, dozens of their classmates respond with affirmation and support. Their new Whitworth community is forming before my eyes – what a blessing! I know my college experience would have begun differently had I already communicated with several hundred of my classmates before move-in day. I certainly include everyone when I say that social media may be a great way to keep up with all things Whitworth, whether the messages are on FacebookTwitter or YouTube! So stay connected, in old and new ways, and thanks for always showing your support. #GoBucs!


Nine Whitworth athletic training students took their National Board of Certification exams last spring. An undergrad is eligible to sit for the exam in his or her final term only if s/he has completed all required coursework. Mike Ediger (Health Sciences) tells me that the Whitworth program strongly encourages students to take the exam in their final term so that when they apply for graduate school or employment, they will already be certified and will have an advantage in interviews. The exam is comprehensive, covering the rigorous academic content as well as the clinical experiences included in the program.  There's just a 60 percent chance of graduates passing the exam – and every one of our Whitworth undergrads passed! Congrats to all of our newly certified athletic trainers and to the amazing faculty and staff who've prepared them over the past four years to excel in their chosen careers. We are blessed to have such outstanding students and a wonderful faculty and staff so dedicated to student success.

During the spring semester, Whitworth professors made the following presentations to their national and international associations: Phil Baldwin (Music), "A String Player's Guide to Wind Articulation & Orchestra Reading Sessions"; Jennifer Brown (French), "The Avant-Garde Medieval in Guillaume Apollinaire"; Janine Darragh (Education), "Intercultural Sojourners: A Multi-Modal Depiction of One University's Approach to Developing Culturally Responsive Educators"; Megan Hershey (Political Science), "Explaining the NGO Boom: The Case of HIV/AIDS NGOs in Kenya"; Michael Rempe (Math), "Mathematical Models of Sleep Disorders"; and Dinorah Scott (Spanish), "Language Instruction and Experiential Learning at Whitworth University's Costa Rica Center."

Masters in our midst: Brooke Kiener, '99 (Theatre), completed her M.F.A. from Goddard College (Vt.), and Cristal Brown (Athletics) completed her M.A. from Concordia College (Minn.) last spring. Congratulations to both!

The Center for Service-Learning & Community Engagement is currently creating programs geared toward a holistic approach to community development in West Central Spokane. These programs will provide significant impact through sustained partnerships; they'll also offer a rich variety of experiential learning opportunities for Whitworth students. In addition to its new Small Business Support Center, the CSLCE is creating permanent, year-'round programs relating to topics such as community safety, community health, sustainable living, youth development, food security, cultural enrichment, and neighborhood communications. Stay tuned for future descriptions of the results of these important programs.

Student Life

Traditional activities mark the end of the academic year at Whitworth. From the Warren Peace talent show to the finale of Pirate Idol and the senior boat cruise on Lake Coeur d'Alene, spring on campus is filled with fun (and, of course, studying. Don't forget studying). We've elected our new student body officers for next year: Molly Hough, '13, ASWU president; Tim Gjefle, '13, executive vice president; and Matt Valdez, '14, financial vice president. And the year ends with Springfest in The Loop, with booths sponsored by Whitworth clubs and organizations, a classic car show, live entertainment and, of course, the Mr. Whitworth contest! All proceeds go to the BELIEF program, founded by Whitworth students, which encourages local high school students to consider higher education.

Community impact from service-learning at Whitworth is valued at more than $500,000 for spring 2012! Approximately 983 service-learning students provided more than 24,000 hours of academic-coursework-related service to community-based organizations and ministries throughout Spokane County. Based on Independent Sector's 2009 evaluation of volunteer time at $20.85 per hour, the economic impact of this service to the Spokane community equates to a minimum of more than one-half million dollars. Bravo, Whitworthians, as you faithfully serve humanity.

Alumni & Parents

Homecoming 2012 is just around the corner, and the campanile's chimes will be calling you to return to campus as we celebrate Whitworth's 123rd year! The classes of 1992, 2002, and 2007 will return for their 20th, 10th, and fifth reunions, and Whitworthians from across the eras are invited to join in the festivities. Highlights on Friday include a dessert and lecture featuring Forrest Baird (Philosophy) and Leonard Oakland (English); Saturday offers campus worship, an art exhibit, the Homecoming Game (with an alumni tent offering your favorite "Saga" brownies at halftime), a catered banquet where this year's Whitworth Alumni Award winners will be announced, and casual dessert receptions for gathered alumni. For a full calendar of events and to register, visit

Pirate Football is coming to SoCal Sept. 15. All Whitworthians in the area are invited to join Aaron Leetch, director of athletics, and Aaron McMurray, '95, director of alumni & parent relations and annual giving, for a casual barbecue dinner before the 6 p.m. game, where the Pirates will take on the LaVerne Leopards. Look for details in your inbox soon! We'd love to see you there. In addition, the gridiron Bucs will also be playing the Whittier College Poets in the Golden State on Sept. 8, with a 1 p.m. kickoff. (After all, Pirates generally have a pretty good record against Poets.)

We always want you to be aware of athletics and music events – whether they're at Whitworth or at a location near you. Come out and support Whitworth's groups and teams. Check the new Whitworthians for Life website at details on events, games and performances near you.

Summer Sendoffs are being and have been hosted in 20 homes across the West – from Honolulu to Missoula and from Phoenix to Bellingham. At a Whitworth SSO, incoming students and their families are greeted by generous hosts who opened their homes to provide the newest Whitworthians for Life with one final opportunity to get ready for life on campus before summer's end. Welcome to the members of the Class of 2016 and their parents!

We believe that being a Whitworthian for Life means many things, and we hope you'll stay engaged, propel the mission, and plan your legacy. Visit the new alumni and parents pages at and


Enrollment deposits are due Aug. 1 for transfer students. Just go online to and click on "Guarantee Your Spot" to find a link to the transfer deposit submission form. This fall we're expecting to enroll about 110 transfer students who will be a great addition to the Whitworth community.

Our fantastic director of financial aid, Wendy Olson, recently won the 2012 Western Association of Financial Aid Administrators Meritorious Achievement Award. The award goes to a person who has made significant efforts to advance the awareness and understanding of financial aid. This is a great tribute to Wendy from colleagues in Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. Our students, who are Wendy's main focus, already know she's great.


Whitworth Fund dollars flew in with strong totals in the final days of the fiscal year. We collected just over $1.3 million dollars for Whitworth's annual budget. This is excellent news! But we still have a lot of work to do in the years to come in building the ever-important alumni participation numbers, which came in at just 15 percent (or "not so much," as our students say). With Whitworthians like the members of the Class of 2012, we have reason to believe it's possible: This spring, they joined with the classes of '05 and '09 in raising the final funds for a beautiful fountain courtyard in The Loop. Fifty percent of the senior class contributed to the gift, and a few weeks ago, the fountain became a reality. (View a slideshow of the construction process on our young alumni blog, The 10, at Whether you're an alum, parent, friend, or recent graduate, we are grateful for the support you provide Whitworth each year. Thank you for helping to make this one of the best years in recent memory for The Whitworth Fund and for our campus community.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica Center Director Lindy Scott writes, "Our Costa Rica Center has been host to a variety of visitors this summer. One of the most interesting visits was from 10 Whitworth nontraditional students who are majoring in education. They came to campus for two weeks of living with host families, observing classes in three local schools, soaking up the culture, and practicing their Spanish. It was inspiring to see these older students get outside their comfort zones in a variety of ways. The lessons they learned will make them more culturally proficient and better teachers in the future." Lindy reports that the CRC gang is finishing up Session A of its summer program. "Whitworth students have been studying Spanish, Latin American culture, and literature," he says. "Field trips have taken them to a coffee plantation, a Pacific Coast fishing village, on a crocodile boat trip, and hiking a volcano. Add four weeks of living with our wonderful host families and on-the-job internships, and you have a memorable immersion experience. During our one-week break, students will either be traveling throughout Central America or volunteering at the famous conference of the Latin American Congress on Evangelization. Then they will come back, and, together with some new students, they'll embrace Session B with gusto!"


Whitworth finished 49th out of 447 NCAA DIII schools in the Learfield Directors Cup standings for 2011-12. That places our athletics program among the top 11 percent of all Division III schools in the country. Who says great academics and great athletics can't go hand-in-hand? Our coaches and athletes are living proof that it's possible – and certainly desirable – to be a success in the classroom as well as in/on the field of play. The Learfield standings, combined with Whitworth's acceptance this spring of its fifth consecutive McIlroy-Lewis Trophy – awarded to the school in the Northwest Conference with the best all-around athletics program – lets folks in our region and across the country know that Whitworthians love both learning and competing. Such awards make it clear that our student-athletes compete beautifully with the very best in Division III.

With September just around the corner, Whitworth's fall sports teams will be opening their seasons all across the country over Labor Day weekend. Football kicks off the year at St. Scholastica (Duluth, Minn.) on Sept. 1; volleyball hits the courts at the Wittenberg Invitational (Springfield, Ohio) on Aug. 31; men's soccer takes the field at the Hamline College tournament (St. Paul, Minn.), Aug. 31-Sept. 1; and women's soccer wades into battle at Chapman University (Orange, Calif.) on Aug. 31. Go, Bucs!

Closing Thoughts

Summer is an amazing time on the Whitworth campus. I lament that most of our students don't get to experience the beauty of The Loop during the warmest months of the year. Although many of us here experience a slightly less hectic pace than during the academic term, for many at Whitworth, the summer months mark the busiest season of the year. For example, the wonderful employees in facilities services work overtime throughout the summer making the repairs and improvements that prepare us for another successful year and that keep our campus so beautiful. This summer, in addition to their regular maintenance schedule, our facilities personnel and the students they supervise are busily preparing our new dining hall in the HUB, which will open for business this fall. As students arrive in September, we also plan to break ground for the new campus recreation center behind Westminster Hall and next to the tennis pavilion. That new facility, opening in fall 2013, will house indoor basketball courts, an elevated jogging track, a new fitness center, and a state-of-the-art climbing wall. If you're passing through Spokane, I encourage you to stop by and check out all that is happening, and let us know you're coming. I often remind people that although the campus may look a little different than the last time they saw it, and though there may be some new faces, Whitworth still embodies and represents all that they remember and hold dear: namely, a community of grace emboldened to prepare its graduates, and all who visit this lovely campus, to honor God, follow Christ and serve humanity. Enjoy the rest of your summer!