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Mind & Heart Newsletter: July 2010

An update from Whitworth University President Beck A. Taylor

Dear Whitworth University alumni and friends,

Today marks my first day as the 18th president of Whitworth University. I am humbled and excited to lead one of the nation's finest Christian universities.

Since the Whitworth Board of Trustees voted on my appointment, on April 16, I have spent my days learning more about the university, its history, its programs, and its people. My wife, Julie, and I have made several trips to Spokane to meet with Bill and Bonnie Robinson, other university personnel, community leaders, and Whitworth supporters to ensure a smooth transition. We have had fun as we have introduced our three children, Zach, Lauren and Chloe, to our new community. We are already loyal Pirates! It's so exciting and affirming to be at Whitworth, a place that promotes the best of our own hopes and vision for a community of learning and faith.

As alumni and friends, you are among Whitworth's most effective ambassadors. I thank you for the many ways you support and promote the university, and I commit to doing all I can to keep you informed about what's happening on campus. I've already heard from many of you about how much you appreciate receiving Mind & Heart, and I look forward to sending you this newsletter 10 times a year. We've given it a fresh look, but we will resume the regular campus-roundup format and schedule with the September issue. And you may still choose whether to receive Mind & Heart in print or by e-mail (which helps us save trees and money) by going to

In addition, I am launching a new blog – Life in The Loop – that will allow me to share news and observations in a more immediate way and also to include photos, video and Internet links when appropriate. For those of you just merging onto the information superhighway, subscribing to a blog isn't as daunting as it may sound. Just go to and sign up to receive updates by e-mail or by RSS feed. In addition, you can find me on Twitter and Facebook. In Mind & Heart, the blog, or any other form of communication, I hope to highlight the important ways Whitworth's mission is being expressed in the lives of our students.

My initial assessment as president is the same one I formed when I became president-elect: Whitworth is in a position of great vitality. Perhaps as never before in the university's 120-year history, Whitworth enjoys a reputation of academic excellence that extends literally across the globe. Whitworth's current students and alumni continue to provide important leadership in their respective communities. Whitworth's faculty are educators of the first order, serving as intellectual leaders within their respective disciplines but also firmly dedicated to student learning inside and outside the classroom. Whitworth's staff has never been more dedicated to providing the best learning environment for our students. Our outstanding programs in athletics, the arts, and student life continue to enrich our campus experience. What an amazing and talented group of people!

In addition to Whitworth's academic strength, the university continues to proclaim courageously the name of Jesus Christ. Whitworth's steadfast mission of providing its students with an education of mind and heart has never been stronger. I absolutely love the way this community tackles our society's toughest issues and challenges, never retreating from the forum of ideas, all the while nurturing a community filled with God's grace and love. I promise that as long as I am blessed to lead in this incredible place, I will, to the best of my ability, help to protect Whitworth's unique position in the landscape of Christian higher education.

As we celebrate Whitworth's position of strength, we must also be realistic about the challenges that institutions like ours face. I have often likened competition in higher education to an arms race. Universities must compete as never before for the best and brightest students, for the most accomplished professors, and for the finest physical facilities. As the costs of providing a Whitworth education increase, we must remain diligent in our commitment to provide an accessible education. In order to keep tuition reasonable, and in order to maintain Whitworth's leadership position, our people must step forward with boldness and clarity. Whitworth's mission is noble, and, because of that, I will never hesitate to ask for your help in ensuring that George Whitworth's dream continues to flourish. We need your support: your faithful prayers, your financial gifts, and your commitment to be a beacon for Whitworth in your homes and communities.

I do want to give you an early update on how we're preparing for a large incoming freshman class. We received 6,458 freshman applications this year, up about 10 percent from last year. In light of the economic uncertainty that still grips the country and has an important impact on Whitworth's budget, we admitted a slightly higher percentage of the applicant pool (54.1 percent vs. 53.2 percent last year). However, a higher-than-expected percentage of accepted students said "yes" to our offer, resulting in our largest freshman class ever. It's wonderful that a Whitworth education is in such high demand, and we are working diligently to ensure that we deliver on the excellent learning and living opportunities that these students found so attractive. Vice President for Academic Affairs Michael Le Roy, '89, and his team have adjusted faculty schedules and, where necessary, hired additional instructors to preserve Whitworth's traditionally small class sizes.

Vice President for Student Life Kathy Storm and her staff are working diligently to ensure a high-quality campus experience for all students. A number of residence-hall rooms that can accommodate an additional student will be called upon to do so – at least until additional spaces open up. (Room rates will be discounted for students living in a room with an extra person.) Meanwhile, we are creating new living spaces where we can, to ensure that as many freshmen and sophomores as possible are able to live on campus. In addition, we're increasing dining offerings, expanding hours in the Hixson Union Building, and enhancing study areas around campus. We also are planning to add recreation access and options, both off and on campus. We're working to attend to every aspect of campus life to make this a great community that provides an excellent educational experience.

The bottom line is this: We will do everything in our power to ensure that our unexpected lesson in population density doesn't compromise the quality of the Whitworth experience for our students.

I look forward to meeting you soon. One of my highest priorities as president will be to serve our alumni and friends. I hope you will take an opportunity to attend an alumni function in your area, or, better yet, to visit campus in the near future. You will find a place that continues to warm the heart and stir the soul. I look forward to serving you as Whitworth's president.

Yours in service,