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Graphic Design

Whitworth offers a fresh perspective, unexpected experiences and deeply personal connections. Think you can't capture these qualities in a poster, T-shirt design or social media ad? Let our designers prove you wrong. Our graphic design services help departments deliver public facing messages to external audiences (alumni, parents, prospective students, public/community, etc.) in ways that adhere to the Whitworth brand and show polish, marketing savvy and creativity. Due to the high volume of projects our office manages, we aren't able to fulfill jobs that are exclusive to intra-campus audiences (faculty, staff, students). Our services are provided to campus departments free of charge, and in partnership with printing & mailing services, we can see your design project through from beginning to end.

Remember, our designers are creative professionals. With key details like text, project size, number of finished pieces and target audience, a designer can wow you with what they create!

Graphic Design Project Request Form

What do we design?

We design Whitworth branded materials intended for external audiences. Here are examples of the types of projects we can help your department with. Have something you'd like designed that isn't on this list? Just ask!

  • Brochures
  • Booklets
  • Invitations
  • Posters
  • Postcards
  • Flyers
  • Newspaper ads
  • Social media ads/graphics
  • Soap labels
  • Stickers
  • Buttons
  • Lapel pins
  • Signs
  • Billboards
  • Banners
  • T-shirts
  • Mugs
  • Tags
  • Table tents

Writing & Editing

Preparing text for a new publication or design project is the requesting department's responsibility. The marketing & communications office offers writing and editing assistance to help elevate the text to meet current marketing trends, better speak to your target audience and reflect Whitworth's brand. Remember to factor the time needed for significant writing and editing assistance into your project timeline. Send your text to Megan Jonas at and fill out a Graphic Design Project Request to get the ball rolling. We cannot begin designing your project (or counting down to your due date) until we have text.

General Publication Request Timeline

  1. Fill out a Graphic Design Project Request Form. To do this, you'll need to know:
    1. Type of project (poster, brochure, electronic, etc.)
    2. Target audience
    3. Number of finished pieces
    4. Text (we can't start designing until we have this)
    5. Photo needs and other design specifics (if applicable)
  2. Budget for printing
    1. Our design services are offered free of charge, so your only cost is printing and mailing.
    2. Our office will determine if the job should be printed on or off campus, and we will bid your job to various printers to get the best price and coordinate the printing process for you.
  3. Understand the timeline
    1. Our office needs, at minimum, four to six weeks to complete your project. Please contact us directly if you have a rush job.
    2. In that time frame, we will receive your project, edit content, design the project, exchange proofs and edits with you, and send the job to print, if applicable.
    3. Use the information below to estimate how much time we need to complete your project:
      1. Four weeks for your project to be designed
      2. Optional: Two weeks to get things printed
      3. Optional: Three additional weeks to write new text or develop a new concept
      4. Optional: One additional week for mailing services to address/stuff envelopes and get them in the mail (fill out a Mailing Request Form if you plan to use this service)
  4. Consult with your designer
    1. Once all the necessary info has been submitted, we will contact you to discuss layout and design.
  5. Review and return proofs
    1. You will receive two proofs, one early in the design process and a final proof when the project is ready for printing or other distribution.
    2. The process can't move forward without your approval. Please, return proofs promptly.
  6. Print
    1. Once the job is complete, your budget number will be charged for the entire cost of the project the following month.

Advertisement Request Guidelines

  1. Contact the publication you'd like to advertise in
    1. Consult these links for regional media outlets: The Spokesman-Review, The Inlander, The Journal of Business and The Fig Tree.
    2. Decide on the size of the advertisement.
    3. Decide on the ad's placement.
    4. Find out how the ad should be submitted and what the deadline is. Submission format is important! Ask the ad rep these questions: Can the file be submitted electronically? In what form? If not, should we submit camera-ready art?
    5. Make arrangements to bill your department.
    6. Contact Associate Director of Branding & Marketing Cameron Todd ( to take advantage of our marketing and advertising advising.
  2. Submit a Graphic Design Request Form
    1. Include the size of the ad (in regular, not column, inches – e.g., 3" x 6" or pixel size for digital ads)
    2. Tell us the ad's orientation (horizontal or vertical)
    3. If you have one, send us another ad you like or want to emulate.
    4. Our office needs, at minimum, four to six weeks to complete your advertisement.
  3. Review and return proofs
  4. Submit your ad
    1. If the ad can be submitted electronically, we will be glad to send it for you.

For questions about this process or anything related to graphic design, contact Mailing & Communications Program Assistant Tayah Siegel at or 509.777.3312.