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Whitworth Email Signature Instructions

Please use the email signature as specified. Do not alter the typeface, size of logo, or spacing, or stylize it in anyway (no italics, bolding, underlining, other fonts or colors may be used). Approved contact information includes name, title, building, department, email address, website, office phone, cell phone and fax. You may determine which contact information is the most pertinent to include.

To set up your email signature using the Whitworth logo and fonts, follow these steps:

  1. Click File in Outlook and select Options.
  2. Click on the Mail category in the left-hand column.
  3. Click Signatures...
  4. Either edit an existing signature or click the New button to create a new signature. If editing an existing signature, delete everything from the Edit signature field.
  5. From the Whitworth Email Signature page linked below, highlight and copy the text and graphics.
  6. Right-click in the Edit signature field and click the first icon under Paste Options (Keep Source Formatting).
  7. Edit the pasted content to include your information. Delete any items you do not wish to include.
  8. Click OK on the Signatures and Stationery window.
  9. Click OK on the Options window and return to Outlook.

Email Signature