The current Whitworth University campus began with a gift. Today’s mind-and-heart education is possible because Jay P. Graves allotted acreage north of Spokane to attract a higher education institution. For all that Whitworth has been in the past, it still relies on gifts and on the support of visionaries like Graves – people like you.
The Whitworth 2021 Vision and Strategic Plan charts an ambitious course that includes more than $150 million in capital, endowment and program funding priorities, many of which are outlined below. It is Whitworth's grand mission that we hope to serve and strengthen with these initiatives. And it's Whitworth's mission that we call on our friends and donors to support as you have faithfully done since 1890. So, we seek your financial gifts – not ultimately for facilities, financial aid or faculty salaries – but to equip students to "honor God, follow Christ and serve humanity."