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Cost & Payment Information for International Students

Estimated 2024-25 Costs & Budget Information

Whitworth University's 2024-25 estimated costs are listed below. These costs match the total cost information reflected on the Form I-20 immigration document for on-campus and off-campus students.
Note: The expenses below are separated into billable costs paid directly to Whitworth, and non-billable estimated budget items.

Whitworth Billable Costs Tuition Mandatory Fees Room & Meals Mandatory Health Insurance Total Billable Costs
On-campus student $51,500 $1,380* $14,300** $1,400  $68,680
Off-campus student $51,500 $1,380* See below $1,400  $54,380
Estimated Non-Billable Costs Room & Meals Books & Supplies Transportation/Travel Personal Expenses Total Non-Billable Costs
On-campus student See above $528 $2,976 $1,845 $5,349
Off-campus student $17,316 $528 $2,976 $1,845 $22,665

Total Cost of Attendance - Living On Campus (before financial award): $73,929

*Total mandatory fees include ASWU ($300, Wellness ($315), Technology Campus Facility ($635), Accident Insurance ($130)

**On-campus room and meals costs are based on a shared double room with the maximum meal plan.

Payment Information

Whitworth offers a term-based, interest-free payment plan. Additionally, we provide an Annual Full-Time Undergraduate Cost & Payment Calculator to help students and their parents estimate how much will be owed to Whitworth after applying resources from financial aid.