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Student Conduct: Community Standards & Compliance


The office of community standards and compliance develops and enforces behavioral standards of conduct, an educational endeavor to foster students' learning and development.

Anonymous Student Survey Responses

What comes to your mind when you hear "Whitworth student conduct system"?
(responses AFTER going through the conduct process)

Something that is there to help create better choices rather than forcing them.

Friendly understanding environment that allows the student to be more growing, open, free.

When you make a violation, the meeting will essentially be about one taking responsibility as well as learning their mistakes and even hearing one's story.

What surprised you when completing your sanctions?

The sanctions were pretty easy to complete, however this experience has taught me a bunch of new things.

Do you feel your sanction served your learning style?

It surprised me by how easy it was. Although it was easy it was also effective.

I feel as if these sanctions allowed me to be creative and foster relationships.

Yes I do. It was fun to do the comic. It was a punishment, but it was both fun and it opened my eyes.

Is there anything we can do to help you feel more supported now that your sanctions are complete?

...I felt support and fairness throughout the process.

...I feel as if completing my sanctions allowed me to self-reflect to better myself.

  • 85% of students reported that the conduct process was clearly explained  
  • 100% of respondents felt they were given a chance to explain their actions or provide additional information during their conduct meeting 
  • 85% of respondents felt their conduct meeting went better than they expected