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Learning Cohorts

Learning cohorts will gather small groups (6-8 participants) of preachers both online and in-person for shared learning around new models of proclamation. These gatherings will be a time of deep connection, spiritual formation and reflection on God’s word, as well as a time to share and cultivate practical tools for preaching in diverse contexts. Cohorts will gather weekly for six weeks, with new cohorts beginning throughout the year. As a cohort member, preachers will benefit from:

  • The leadership of an experienced, active preacher
  • The collective wisdom and experience of 6-8 other preachers
  • New ideas, tools, feedback and encouragement to experiment with new styles of preaching
  • Funds to purchase resources that support experimentation (e.g. a projector, objects for listeners to hold, etc.)
  • Funding for private preaching coaching (up to four sessions)
  • Funding for private spiritual direction (up to four sessions)

In order to participate, cohort members will commit to:

  • Attend weekly gatherings for 6-8 weeks
  • Experiment with new methods of preaching in their own context
  • Engage meaningfully with other cohort members to provide support and feedback
  • Pray for their cohort members and cohort leader
  • Participate in program evaluation and research

All active and aspiring preachers are invited to participate, including students and preachers in non-traditional contexts. Interested preachers can fill out the interest form linked below to be notified of future cohort openings. A pilot cohort will begin in fall 2024, with additional groups gathering at regular intervals beginning in 2025.

I'm Interested

Cohort Schedule

Cohort 1 | Leaders: Mindy Smith and Mary Hulst
Schedule: TBA
Spaces Available: 8
Description: Sermon workshops in which participating preachers will send sermons in advance for the group to view and provide feedback. Preachers can also bring a text for an upcoming workshop to build a sermon. Cohort will also provide space for personal check-ins, prayer and support.

Cohort 2 | Leader: Jer Swigart
Schedule: Thursdays at 9 a.m. (Sept. 5, 19, 26 and Oct. 3, 10, 17)
Spaces Available: 8
Description: The preaching moment has the potential to reach beyond personal formation and communal worship. It can be a culture-creating, unity-forming, movement-making, mission-animating experience for your congregation. The journey from the cerebral to the embodied requires that we as preachers find our unique voice, locate our distinct approach to preparation, and grow our courage to live at the intersections of both faith and justice and the pastoral and the prophetic.

Congregational Research

Cohort participants will also be invited to engage in deeper research with their congregations, faith communities or other listener groups. This research aims to help preachers discern the effectiveness of integrating new preaching styles into their unique context and to develop a more detailed picture of the effectiveness of new preaching styles. The study will utilize focus groups and listener surveys to gather data. Preachers who utilize available funds for preaching resources will be required to participate. For more information about the Compelling Preaching Initiative’s research activities, visit the Resources & Research page.