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Graduate Assistant Ministry Intern Program

The Graduate Assistant Ministry Intern Program is designed to provide the opportunity for interns to engage in full-time campus ministry at Whitworth University while simultaneously pursuing a master's degree over the course of two years. Each intern is mentored and supervised by a member of the chapel staff. All participate in regular meetings of the chapel staff, including ministry planning as well as personal support/prayer gatherings.

One intern works with Professor of Music Ben Brody in the coordination of all weekly chapel worship services. The university carries on a vibrant rhythm of worship, with community chapels Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 11-11:30 a.m. during fall and spring semesters. In addition, Hosanna, our student-led worship service on Tuesday evenings, provides an opportunity for contemporary worship.

Another intern serves with Dean of Spiritual Life and Campus Pastor Forrest Buckner, working in athletics ministry and overseeing the AWAKE ministry on campus. In athletics ministry, the intern helps to provide spiritual leadership for the members of each team. AWAKE is a student-led ministry in which students grow in their knowledge of who they are, who God is and why that matters – and invite others to do the same.

Our third intern serves with Associate Chaplain for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Ministry Stephaine Nobles-Beans in the coordination and oversight of ministry efforts that particularly support the Christian spiritual development of international students and other students from traditionally underrepresented racial and ethnic populations (UREP). This position also includes cultivating key relationships and pioneering new ministry ideas.

Headshot of Elysee KazadiElysee Kazadi

It is a tremendous pleasure and privilege to have the opportunity to serve as your Graduate Assistant Ministry Intern for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the forthcoming biennium; this is a journey that I will take with all of those whom I am privileged to serve. In a world so divided, we, as believers, should be working to spread the love of Christ rather than contributing to making things even more contentious. Irrespective of one's identity, I aim to serve as a catalyst for positive change and engage in collaborative endeavors to enhance the global condition for the collective benefit of humanity.

An important verse to me is Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you, are all one in Christ Jesus." My education in political science from Whitworth University has been invaluable to me as I pursue my lifelong goal of bringing about justice and healing for the world's most marginalized peoples. Currently, I am pursuing a master’s in administrative and Nonprofit Leadership. My goal is to have students, staff, and the community thinking critically about problems of identity, faith, and diversity. As the GAMI DEI, I will get to serve primarily all BIPOC students, international students, and BUCs Bridge scholars (along with any student at Whitworth!).

Feel free to reach out, 

Headshot of Jessi YiJesse Yi 

Hello! My name is Jesse Yi, and I'm the Graduate Assistant Ministry Intern for Campus Worship! I'm originally from Carson City, NV. However, I moved up to Spokane for high school, and I am excited that God is continuing to call me into this town and this university campus! While serving as a GAMI, I will be working at my home church as a Worship Arts Coordinator and studying to get my Masters in Business Leadership.


In August of 2023, I graduated from Whitworth with a Bachelor of Arts in Music on the Ministry track. During that time, I played on a Hosanna team for three years, primarily playing drums, bass, mandolin, guitar, and singing. I was also involved in the music department, serving in multiple leadership positions in the Wind Symphony while playing bassoon, double bass, and percussion. I also served as a Campus Ministry Coordinator and as a part of the Office of Church Engagement's Summer Fellowship Program. I am ecstatic to continue pouring into the Whitworth worshipping community for these next two years!

Favorite Bible verse: “Those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves.” Psalms 126:6 NRSV

Let this be an invitation: I am excited to meet and talk with you! If you want to talk about music, worship, life, and everything in between, send me an email at You may even get to find out where I see the beautiful intersection between faith, Hunter x Hunter, and VeggieTales... 

Headshot of Kaydee FisherKayDee Fisher 

My name is KayDee Fisher 

I am so excited to see how the Lord will move to meet students wherever they are at on this campus as I serve as the Graduate Assistant Ministry Intern athletics and outreach ministry. After graduating from Whitworth in 2021 with a degree in Psychology and two years working in Whitworth’s Athletic Department, I am grateful to serve the University that has held me and helped me  grow holistically as I have wondered who Jesus is and sought to understand who I am and want to become. The longer I am around this place and the more I learn about God’s heartbeat for community, the more I am convinced that we are meant to do very few things alone. This place has come along side me and as someone having lived the Whitworth experience, knowing the process of searching for a space to know others and be known, I look forward to coming alongside any student looking for a big sister or home away from home. I hope for Christ’s compassionate eyes as I walk around the campus these next two years learning and leaning on his strength to be a vessel of His love for all Whitworth students.

Me and my team are here to grab coffee, share a meal, sit in hard questions. If you are finding yourself weary and burdened or wanting someone to celebrate with you, we are here to bear with you, to pray with you, lament, learn and worship with you. We are here to do life with you life as we explore who God is, who we are, and why any of that matters.

Favorite verse: Psalm 34:4 - I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. 

If you would like to contact KayDee please email