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Chapel Community Worship

About Chapel

When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11-11:30 a.m.
Where: The chapel and livestream

This twice-weekly worship service allows the Whitworth community to gather together in an expression of our commitment to honor God, follow Christ and serve humanity. Each worship service is led by the campus ministry staff and student leaders as we draw upon all that has been given to us: the Bible, the two millennia of church tradition, the best of contemporary music, the spirituality of written prayers, the sharing of Communion together, the power of liturgical symbols and dance, the joy of global music and the witness of the worldwide Christian community.

Tuesday services are centered on the chapel theme for the semester and typically include two to three songs of praise, prayer and a short sermon connected with the chapel theme. Every Thursday, we gather around the table to celebrate the Lord's Supper as we learn and grow in our various gifts and offer our lives to God through diverse worship styles. Services will be led by Whitworth University choirs and by sacred dancers and many other members of the Whitworth community.

We will be serving communion on Thursdays and will be featuring testimonies from various individuals on campus.

Keep up with what is happening with campus ministry on our Instagram, @whitworthcampusministries.

Forrest Buckner lifts his hands and prayers with students over a table set with communion cups and bread.

Come join us this semester at chapel for community worship from 11-11:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays as we explore the call from the book of James to living faith, seeking to trust God and his grace in tangible ways together. 

The book of James is one of the most practical books of the Bible, providing clear direction for day-to-day living as followers of Jesus, something that is a longing for many of us. At the same time, reading through James can seemingly produce an ever-growing to-do list that we can never fulfill. The calls for actually rejoicing in our suffering, being slow to speak, helping those in need, not playing favorites, taming our tongues, not judging, avoiding friendship with the world, praying with faith and more can, at times, simply highlight our failures and lead us to despair in our discipleship. Regardless of how we tend to hear it, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ meets us right where we are and invites us to a faith in him that is living, a faith that compels action and a faith that is sustained by God’s grace. Come join us this semester for community worship as we explore this call to living faith, seeking to trust God and his grace in tangible ways together.

Date  Theme Date  Theme
Feb. 1 Convocation March 19 James 2:14-26 – Faith & Works
Feb. 6 James 1:1 – Living Faith, Trusting the God of Grace March 21 Communion 
Feb. 8 First Communion, spring semester March 25-April 1 Easter Holiday
Spring Break
Feb. 13 James 1:2-4, 12-16 – Joy in Suffering April 2 James 3:13-18 – Wisdom & Resurrection
Feb. 14 Ash Wednesday service at 7:50 a.m. April 4 Abundance Communion
Feb. 15 Communion & student leader commissioning April 9 James 3:1-12 – Taming the Tongue
Feb. 20 James 1:17-18 – God's Generosity & Purposes April 11 Communion 
Feb. 22 Communion
April 16 James 4:1-10 – God Meets Us in Our Need
Feb. 27 James 1:22-27 – Be Doers of the Word April 18 Communion
Feb. 29 Communion  April 23 James 4:17-5:6 – Rich & Poor
March 5 James 1:19-21 – Quick, Slow, Slow April 25 Communion
March 7 Communion April 30 James 5:7-12 – Jesus Will Return and God Will Judge
March 12 James 2:1-9 – No Favorites May 2 Communion
March 14 Communion May 7 James 5:13-18 – Prayer & Confession
    May 9 Final Communion