Chapel Community Worship
About Chapel
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11-11:30 a.m.
Where: The chapel and livestream
This twice-weekly worship service allows the Whitworth community to gather together in an expression of our commitment to honor God, follow Christ and serve humanity. Each worship service is led by the campus ministry staff and student leaders as we draw upon all that has been given to us: the Bible, the two millennia of church tradition, the best of contemporary music, the spirituality of written prayers, the sharing of Communion together, the power of liturgical symbols and dance, the joy of global music and the witness of the worldwide Christian community.
Tuesday services are centered on the chapel theme for the semester and typically include two to three songs of praise, prayer and a short sermon connected with the chapel theme. Every Thursday, we gather around the table to celebrate the Lord's Supper as we learn and grow in our various gifts and offer our lives to God through diverse worship styles. Services will be led by Whitworth University choirs and by sacred dancers and many other members of the Whitworth community.
We will be serving communion on Thursdays and will be featuring testimonies from various individuals on campus.
Keep up with what is happening with campus ministry on our Instagram, @whitworthcampusministries.
Come join us this semester at chapel for community worship from 11-11:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays as we discover ordinary people and an extraordinary Spirit in the book of Acts!
After experiencing both the comfort and confrontation of meeting Jesus in the Gospel of Luke in chapel worship last fall, we continue into Luke's sequel, the Book of Acts. This spring, we get to hear accounts of the powerful work of God's Spirit as God empowers his people to be witnesses to Jesus near and far. However, we do not simply gather to learn history; instead, we gather as ordinary people to encounter the same extraordinary Spirit that filled and empowered the first-century church. Come join the Whitworth community of students, staff and faculty as we journey with God's people, receiving God's Word on Tuesdays and meeting God at the communion table and in testimony on Thursdays. Holy Spirit, teach us, transform us, fill us, empower us and send us!