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The Modern Linguist

Vol. 26, Issue 4, May 2020
CASP Edition

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The Modern Linguist was birthed from the desire to unite those who study in the world languages discipline at Whitworth University. The newsletter features information, news and stories applicable to those involved in the program. Let it serve you well.

World Languages & Cultures Department
Westminster Hall
Whitworth University
Phone: 509.777.4765
Department Chair and Editor-in-Chief: Jennifer Brown
Editor: Ann Penfield

For student employment information, please contact Ann Penfield, program assistant, at 509.777.4765.

Faculty Spotlight: Professor Lindy Scott

A Farewell Message

Written by department chair, Professor Jenny Brown

This year – perhaps the strangest of all Whitworth's history – is the year we are saying farewell, congratulations and a hearty thanks to Professor Lindy Scott.

Lindy has been at Whitworth for thirteen years. I have watched him plan and develop the Central America Service Program study abroad semester, worked with him to look at curriculum with students' best interests in mind and discussed scholarship. Lindy's commitment to the mission of Whitworth has been unswerving. He remembers and reminds us individually and departmentally who we are: as faculty in the modern languages, as teachers in the humanities and as disciples of Christ. He is never less than gracious and gentle with students, staff and colleagues. He is always cheerful, ethical, professional, resourceful, funny and kind.

I would say that Lindy's most noticeable characteristic is his devotion to our students. Lindy conducts rigorous classes, such as Latin American Culture & Civilization and Latinos in the U.S. Students often enter these courses without much previous knowledge about the subject matter, and this could lead to a morass of conflicting opinions. Instead, Lindy leads the way with great care and concern for each student, and also for truth and justice. Students can always come to Lindy for help, instruction, mentoring and connection.

Lindy is an excellent teacher. He truly embodies the liberal arts ideal: from the Core classes he teaches to worldview in his Spanish classes, he makes the most of culture, history, literature, pedagogy, art and philosophy to stretch our students' minds and help them make connections. He has integrated faith perspectives into all of his classes. His active rewriting of our curriculum over the past several years, including the changes in the CASP Program and in our departmental student learning outcomes, shows a profound understanding of intercultural competency and global influence. When I have observed Lindy's classes, I see him encouraging students to think and to articulate complex ideas, to collaborate, to think about Christ's compassion for the marginalized and the other.

It takes only a glance at Lindy's scholarship to be deeply impressed with the list of articles, conferences, book chapters and editing work included in his file, which are clear and well-supported. When I asked about his work, Lindy said that the most important part of his scholarship in his view was his editorship of the journal Latin American Theology, as this journal serves to connect Latin American scholars who are doing Christian work and proclaiming the Gospel. This integration of faith and scholarship is precisely what Whitworth hopes all our scholars will do in one form or another; Lindy does this and much more.

Finally, there can be no question that Lindy's service to Whitworth University has been wholehearted and unflagging. He has helped to lead and plan CASP, changing it from a teaching program to an immersive internship program that challenges and transforms the lives of its students. In his largest role, Lindy served for four years as the director of the Costa Rica Center, a program he was essentially asked to create from scratch. Those four years were a major success for the students who experienced language, art, theology, culture, internships, relationships and much more in Costa Rica under Lindy's leadership. This gift to Whitworth cannot be underestimated. It has been a pleasure, a joy, and a learning experience for me and for the department to work with Lindy. We wish him all the best as he goes with Dinorah to live in Chicago and to take his gifts of love and teaching to family, church and community. Thank you, Lindy, for everything you've given to Whitworth, and muchas felicidades!

Eye on Alumni: Emily Teeple '18

An animated group of students smiling and posing for a photo together indoors.

Post-graduation has been one of the most formative, enjoyable and challenging seasons of my life. I have spent the past two years working as medical assistant at interventional pain clinics in Spokane, one of which I helped build from the ground-up last February. I have learned immensely more than I could have hoped about medicine, health policy and the resiliency of the human spirit in the midst of suffering. I have even had opportunities to translate for our Spanish-speaking patients! Outside of work, I have continued to volunteer as a youth ministry leader, enjoy many weekends of skiing and backpacking, and soak up time with friends and family. Travel has remained a big part of my life and I have been very lucky to see so many new places. In May 2020, I will begin the Quinnipiac University Physician Assistant (PA) program in Connecticut. My decision to pursue PA was a simple one as I feel it will prepare me well to care for others and combine my interests in medicine and language. Eventually, I hope to work long-term in Latin America with a focus on women's health and education (a decision influenced largely by my CASP experience). I feel so thankful for the world languages & cultures professors at Whitworth who invested in me and cheered me on. Their love and support have made such a big impact on my life.

CASP Highlights 2020

Before highlighting individual students, we want to thank the CASP 2020 leadership team, which includes three of our wonderful Whitworth professors and a talented grad T.A. This team, consisting of Professor Lindy Scott, Professor Josh Leim, Professor Kim Hernández and graduated TA Anna Waltar ('19, CASP 2018) led the students with great diligence and passion during perhaps the strangest CASP semester ever. Thank you, leadership, for all you do!

A group of students posing in front of ancient stone ruins on a grassy area. Some are standing on elevated spots.

Student Highlights
A group of students, one wearing medical scrubs, poses for a photo inside a home. 

Maddy Duneman

Majors: International Relations, Spanish 

Standing: Sophomore

Internship: Fundación Mujer (NGO providing resources for refugees in San José, Costa Rica)

Position: English Teacher

Headshot of Keelsey Phipps 

Keeley Phipps

Majors: Athletic Training, Spanish 

Standing: Sophomore

Internship: Consultorio Medico Dr. Luis Calvo and Professional Soccer Team Athletic Training Clinic

Position: Medical Intern

Three young adults stand close together and smile for a photo. 

Lacy Nguyen

Majors: Peace Studies

Standing: Senior

Internship: Renuevos: Immigrant and Refugee Services

Position: Program Assistant

A group of students in matching teal shirts pose with pink balloons in a classroom in front of a whiteboard. 

Sami Cone

Majors: Spanish, Secondary Education with TESOL and ELL   

Standing: Sophomore 

Internship: Mount House School 

Position: Secondary Education Teacher

A teacher stands at the front of a classroom, speaking to students seated at desks, with  

Natalie Nelson

Majors: Elementary Education

Standing: Sophomore

Internship: International Christian School 

Position: Elementary Teacher

An outdoor photo portrait of Abranna Romero 

Abranna Romero

Majors: Political Science, Spanish

Standing: Junior

Internship: United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders

Position: Research Intern

A group of people posing together in a decorated indoor space with balloons on the ceiling. 

Emma Ransom

Majors: Psychology

Standing: Senior

Internship: Hogar de la Esperanza: Residential HIV Treatment Center  

Position: Intern

Three students stand close together, smiling, with greenery and a house in the background. 

Molly Wollschleger

Majors: Sociology and Nursing, Spanish

Standing: Sophomore

Internship: Fundación Humanitaria de Costa Rica

Position: Intern


Jose Aguilera

Majors: Health Science, Spanish

Standing: Senior

Internship: La Clinica Cristiana de La Carpio

Position: Medical Assistant

Two young adults post for a photo at dusk with a cityscape behind them. 

Lexi Hammond

Majors: Psychology, Spanish     

Standing: Sophomore

Internship: Palabra de Vida Christian School      

Position: School Counselor

Two young adults pose for a close-up photo outdoors. 

Wren Smith

Majors: Chemistry, Spanish

Standing: Sophomore     

Internship: Hogar de la Esperanza: Residential HIV Treatment Center

Position: Nurse's Assistant

Outdoor photo portrait of Rachael Annonen with parrots. 

Rachael Annonen

Majors: Elementary Education with ELL and TESOL

Standing: Sophomore

Internship: Palabra de Vida Christian School

Position: Elementary and ELL Teacher

Three students smiling and sitting close together in front of a colorful, abstract background. 

Elisabeth Hale

Majors: Psychology, Spanish

Standing: Sophomore

Internship: Proyecto Abraham Centro de Cuidado Diario

Position: Teacher

Five people, wearing medical scrubs, standing together and smiling inside a metal building. 

Lulu Vaca

Majors: Health Science, Spanish

Standing: Junior

Internship: Clinica Medica Madrigal and Clinica Medica La Carpio

Position: Medical Assistant, Translator


Lesley Baeza-Vasquez

Majors: Health Science, Spanish

Standing: Junior

Internship: Clinica Sabinci

Position: Physical Therapy Aide

Four people lean in and smile at the camera. 

Chris Clay

Majors: Community Health, Spanish

Standing: Sophomore

Internship: Surgir: School for At-Risk Youth

Position: Student Advocate, Teacher

Departmental Scholarship Awards

Congratulations to all our students who received a departmental award! Thank you to everyone who participated and applied for writing awards, as well. Listed below are the students, by major, who received each award.

Spanish Departmental Awards

  • Naomi Heuer
  • Delaney From
  • Madison Duneman
  • Megan Rediger
  • Everest Pinneo
  • Kennedy Merzenich

Dixon Nominee: AnnaBelle Schweiger
Koehler Nominee: Wren Smith

French Departmental Awards

  • Hannah Mumm
  • Grant Bowser

Writing Awards

Spanish: Delaney From – "Escritoras"

French: Michell Marufu – "Une exploration de «l’écriture féminine » d’Helene Cixous en Moi, Tituba sorcière… Noire de Salem et  Une Si longue lettre" 

Verse of the Month

John 16:33

English: I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

Spanish: Estas cosas os he hablado para que en mí tengáis paz. En el mundo tenéis tribulación; pero confiad, yo he vencido al mundo.

French: Il fallait que je vous dise aussi cela pour que vous trouviez la paix en moi. Dans le monde, vous aurez à souffrir bien des afflictions. Mais courage ! Moi, j’ai vaincu le monde.

German: Dies alles habe ich euch gesagt, damit ihr durch mich Frieden habt. In der Welt werdet ihr hart bedrängt, aber lasst euch nicht entmutigen: Ich habe diese Welt besiegt.

Chinese:  我把这些事告诉你们,是要叫你们在我里面有平安。你们在世上会有苦难,但你们要放心,我已经胜过这个世界。

Japenese: あなたがたも心配しないで、安心していなさい。こんなにも念には念を入れて話したのは、そのためなのですから。確かに、この世では苦難と悲しみが山ほどあります。しかし、元気を出しなさい。わたしはすでに世に勝ったのです。