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Art History

Emily Batchelder '25 

Why did you decide to study art history?  

I chose to study art history after I traveled to Italy in 2019 and had the opportunity to see some of the most incredible art in the world. I distinctly remember seeing the David by Michelangelo and just bursting into tears due to its incredible beauty, which inspired me to study art.

What classes have been your favorite so far?  

My favorite classes have been Art & Politics in Latin America with Meredith Shimizu, Contemporary Art with Katie Creyts, and Byzantine Art with Stacey Moo. These have been my favorite classes because they all taught me new things to love about the world of art. All three of these professors also taught me a great deal about how art has played such an incredibly pivotal role in humankind.

Tell us about a unique experience or project you've worked on for your major.

I have had the incredible opportunity to work with Stacey Moo and the Whitworth Permanent Art Collection, allowing me to experience many wonderful things. In working with the collection, I have been able to meet local artists, learn about the growing art scene in Spokane, attend gallery openings and artist talks in our Bryan Oliver Gallery, and above all, I've been able to work intimately with a variety of artworks.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about majoring in art history?  

DO IT! There is so much to learn and explore. It is truly a worthwhile major that not only teaches you about art but also teaches you about humanity. Also, the art community on campus is an absolute joy.

What's your dream job?  

I would say that my dream job is to work either at a local gallery in Spokane or to work at the MAC (Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture), also here in town. I just really want to care for art and teach people about the importance of it in our world.

Who are three people who have made a difference for you at Whitworth?

Stacey Moo, Meredith Shimizu and Corliss Slack are three individuals who have made a huge difference for me at Whitworth. All three are incredible professors who not only hold vast amounts of knowledge on their specific subjects, but also are just wonderful people who make you feel valuable and worthwhile.

Learn more about Whitworth's Art History, B.A. program