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Education, B.A.

As a Whitworth education major, you will be part of a caring, dynamic community that views teaching as a calling. You will grow to become an educator of mind and heart – one who serves as a scholar, community member, effective practitioner, visionary leader and advocate. Meaningful interactions with professors, local teachers and administrators will expand and deepen your development. Upon graduation, you will be prepared to pursue employment immediately as a compassionate and competent teacher the world needs.

Why major in education at Whitworth?

  • Put your learning into practice. You will gain practical experience in K-12 classroom settings throughout the program, starting with the introductory course.
  • Work alongside faculty. Our faculty are teachers, mentors and advisors with K-12 experience. You will have opportunities to work alongside them in your field placements or on research.
  • Benefit from signature courses that are unique to Whitworth and that reflect the needs in today's classrooms. For example, you will be required to complete two special education courses, which for many students sparks a passion for working with children with special needs.
  • Become a culturally competent educator. Opportunities for diversity training are plentiful within the School of Education. You will take courses on culturally relevant pedagogy and on working with English language learners, and you will complete an intercultural field experience.
  • Develop community with your peers. You will connect with peers early on in lower-division classes that allow a specialized education focus, such as freshman seminar. Then, beginning junior year, you will advance through the program with a cohort group of peers.
  • Integrate your faith or worldview with your learning. In classroom discussions, you will learn to understand issues children face through the lens of faith, what it means to be a faith-based teacher in a secular school, and how you can serve the “least of these” in your career.
  • Enjoy a seamless transition after graduation. The expert team in our dedicated Educational Certification and Career Services Office will help you complete the certification process and quickly find a teaching placement.
  • Become who you're meant to be.

Our education grads make a difference (and get jobs)

Education majors complete the requirements for Washington state certification and, upon graduation, they are ready to become elementary or secondary school educators in public or private schools. Whitworth education graduates have one of the highest job placement rates in Washington. School districts seek interviews with our K-12 educators because they know they will be prepared to teach on day one. 

Recent job placements include:

  • Matteo Page-Gonzalez, behavior intervention teacher, Centennial Middle School, Spokane Valley
  • Nathan Page, middle school art & photography teacher, Duvall County (Fla.) Public Schools
  • James Alford, elementary teacher, Brentwood Elementary
  • Kaitlin Richcreek, English language-arts teacher, Lakewood High School
  • Trevor Roberts, high school math teacher, College Place High School
  • Chris Lingle, science teacher, Spokane Public Schools 
  • Sorayya Mohammadi, first grade teacher, Spokane Public Schools

Our recent education grads further their studies at institutions including:

  • Whitworth University
  • University of Washington
  • University of Oregon
  • Concordia University
  • George Fox University
  • Washington State University
  • Eastern Washington University

Opportunities outside the Whitworth classroom

  • Turn theory into practice by working with youth enrolled in the Whitworth Literacy Center and in our two summer camps for gifted children.
  • Gain teaching experience in different grade levels and contexts through several required field experiences at local schools.
  • Grow your skills and serve alongside your peers through the student-run Teachers of Tomorrow club or RISE (Reinforcing the Importance of Support in Education), Whitworth's mentoring program that serves local schools.
  • Join the department’s student advisory board and help the chair communicate with students and plan events for majors.

Pack your bags!

The Field Immersion in Intercultural Education provides opportunities to gain practical teaching experience in the United States or abroad. Placements include Hawaii, Spain, Australia, New Mexico and local Spokane schools.


The Whitworth School of Education offers majors in elementary, secondary and special education, as well as specialty endorsement programs in 18 additional areas.

Ask our faculty

Headshot of Lisa Laurie

Ask Lisa

Professor Lisa Laurier is chair of the department and teaches elementary education and literacy.

Headshot of Keith Lambert

Ask Keith

Associate Professor Keith Lambert teaches the U.S. diversity course as well as courses in secondary education.

Headshot of Anne Wilcox

Ask Anne

Assistant Professor Anne Wilcox is director of the English Language Learner Endorsement program, K-12.

Gray Placeholder

Ask Flint

Associate Professor Flint Simonsen is director of the Whitworth Special Education Program, K-12.

What related majors can I explore?