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Chemistry, B.A., B.S.

Our innovative approach to the study of chemistry will ground you during your first year in the major themes in the field. You will go on to complete core courses that introduce you to the principles of chemistry, and will choose from a variety of upper-division courses that support your career and graduate-school goals. Elective courses and research opportunities will provide laboratory and field experiences in specialized areas.

Whitworth's chemistry professors are committed to developing students who are critical thinkers and who can adapt to the shifting complexities of the sciences.

Why major in chemistry at Whitworth?

  • Become part of a close-knit community of peers and professors. With small class sizes, you will get to know other chemistry majors and will share your college experience with them.
  • Enjoy easy access to professors. Faculty – not graduate students – will teach your labs, and their offices are close to student study areas. Stop in for a visit!
  • Choose from plentiful research opportunities. Faculty-led research projects provide students with hands-on experience and take place on and off campus, during the school year and the summer.
  • Learn in Robinson Science Hall, Whitworth's landmark academic building that houses state-of-the-art chemistry laboratories and instrumentation.
  • Connect your faith or worldview to your studies. Courses in chemistry will challenge you to think about how your faith affects your ethical decision-making in the field as well as how your faith will influence your vocation.
  • Benefit from a flexible degree program that allows you to study abroad for a semester or for Jan Term.
  • Have fun with events like ChemNights, the Robinson Science Hall Christmas party and an annual end-of-the-year picnic celebration.
  • Apply coursework to your daily life. You will learn to understand the phenomena happening in the world around you and be able to explain them to others.
  • Become who you're meant to be.

Our chemistry grads make a difference (and get jobs)

Whitworth chemistry graduates are prepared for a variety of careers in the chemical, biological, forensic, medical and environmental fields. They are qualified for positions in research and development in academic, industrial and government laboratories. The degree also prepares students for graduate study in chemistry, medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, as well as potentially law, education and business.

Our graduates are working in a variety of positions and fields, including:

  • Joseph Regalado, process engineer, Kaiser Aluminum, Spokane
  • Amy Winter, associate dentist, Harbor Square Dental, Edmonds, Wash.
  • Sara Lutz, internal medicine resident physician, University of New Mexico Hospital, Albuquerque, N.M.
  • Shauna Leggett, hospital pharmacist, Valley Medical Center, Renton, Wash.
  • Chris Frick, scientist, Allen Institute for Cell Science, Seattle
  • Lee Cantrell, bioinformatics scientist, Seer Bio, San Francisco, Calif.
  • Abby Robb, post-bachelor research associate in radiological and tritium chemistry, Pacific Northwest National Lab, Richland, Wash. 

Our recent chemistry grads further their studies in top graduate programs at institutions including:

  • University of Washington School of Medicine
  • California Institute of Technology
  • Yale University
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • UCLA Health
  • Vanderbilt University
  • Tulane University School of Medicine
  • Washington State University
  • Oregon State University
  • Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine
  • Gonzaga University School of Law
  • Georgetown University

Opportunities outside the classroom

  • Conduct research off campus. Whitworth chemistry students have recently completed summer programs at Texas A&M University, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Vanderbilt University and University of California, Berkeley.
  • Promote science education in the community during Jan Term through the Community Chemistry Outreach course, which provides service-learning opportunities with K-12 students.
  • Prepare for a medical career by joining the Pre-med Club, a student-led group that sponsors events related to pre-professional health tracks.
  • Develop camaraderie with other chemistry majors in the ChaOS (Chemistry and Other Sciences) Club. This student-led club fosters connections between students of all levels in the major through events such as an annual trivia competition and monthly study halls.

Pack your bags!

Our Chemistry History and Art summer study abroad program will take you to France, the United Kingdom and Germany, where you will learn about the history of chemistry while visiting notable sites, and about the chemical methods used to create famous works of art.


Students can earn a bachelor of arts or a bachelor science degree in chemistry. Biochemistry and physical chemistry tracks are available under the bachelor of science. Our chemistry minor allows you to pursue an interdisciplinary program of study that meets unique or specific career objectives.

Ask our faculty

Headshot of Kerry Breno

Ask Associate Professor Breno

Associate Professor Kerry Breno teaches Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry. Her interests include organometallic catalysts and fluorescence.

Headshot of Karen Stevens

Ask Professor Stevens

Professor Karen Stevens teaches General Chemistry, Thermochemistry and Quantum Chemistry. Her interests include the study of oscillating reactions.

Headshot of Trisha Russell

Ask Associate Professor Russell

Associate Professor Trisha Russell teaches Organic Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Her interests include medicinal chemistry and drug design.

Headshot of Kraig Wheeler

Ask Professor Wheeler

Professor Kraig Wheeler specializes in topics such as molecular engineered functional materials and solid-state organic reactions. He often teaches classes related to organic chemistry.

What related areas of study can I explore?