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Cost of Attendance

Spend Less. Get More.

Earn a Whitworth-quality education for a cost comparable to state universities. Enjoy professors and advisors who know you by name, small class sizes and a student-focused environment dedicated to adult learners.

Whitworth's reduced evening tuition rate is anticipated to be just $565 per credit for the 2024-25 academic school year. Our tuition is all-inclusive – no hidden fees, and your books and course materials are provided at no additional cost. 

  • Tuition (full year)
  • Fees
  • Book Estimate
Whitworth Total Yearly: $13,440.00
EWU Total Yearly: $11,893.90
WSU Online Total Yearly: $15,382.90
$0 $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 $16,000

Cost of textbooks:

Wondering if your degree will pay off? Research shows it will.

On average, bachelor's degree holders earn $367 more per week than those with an Associate degree and $428 more than those with some college but no degree.

If you haven't completed a bachelor's degree, join us in Continuing Studies to finish your degree. It's worth it.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Transfer credits. Save money.

Keep more of the credits you've already earned. Transfer to Whitworth with an A.A. or A.A.S. and finish is as little as two years; you pay only for the credits you take at Whitworth.

  • 4-5 years. No transfer credits (new students)
  • 3-4 years. 35 transfer credits (some college)
  • 2-2.5 years. 60 transfer credits (A.A. or A.A.S. transfer)

Sample Tuition for Attending Full Time

Whitworth's accelerated-format course schedule may qualify adult students for full-academic-year financial aid assistance. Classes are typically three semester credits each. Please contact the Whitworth Financial Aid Office for more information.

Academic Year: 

24 credits ($13,440)

  • Fall 9 credits $5,040
  • Spring 9 credits $5,040
  • Summer 6 credits $3,360