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Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) – A.A. or A.S.

A student transferring to Whitworth with an associate of arts (A.A.), or an associate of science (A.S.) degree from community college will receive the following:

  • junior standing (60 semester credits);
  • transfer credit of a maximum of 96 quarter credits or 64 semester credits; and
  • a waiver of all shared curriculum requirements with the following exceptions: Habits of the Mind (3 credits), Worldview Studies (3 credits), and Biblical Literature or Faith, Reason & Contemporary Issues (3 credits).

Click here for a list of direct-transfer agreements between Whitworth University and other colleges and universities throughout the state of Washington.

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Students with a qualified applied associate degree will transfer in Whitworth's School of Continuing Studies with 60-64 semester credits (depending upon the total number of credits earned through the applied associate degree) and will be granted junior standing.