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Teacher Certification Program (TCP)

Developed for individuals who have always wanted to become teachers, this program allows opportunities for growth and learning in an online cohort, guided by Christian scholars who are dedicated to your success. Whether you're seeking a bachelor's or master's degree with a Washington teacher certificate – or your teacher certification only – Whitworth has an option for you. Or, you can speak to an advisor for more information on how to become a teacher in Washington state.

Course Format Online with virtual class sessions in the evening
Average Completion Time Bachelor's with Certification
2.5 years with A.A. or applied associate degree (A.A.S. or other); 5 years with no transfer credits
Master's with Certification
3 years
Certification Only (for those who hold a bachelor's)
2.5 years
Cost Per Credit $565** per credit (financial aid & scholarships available)
$1,000 tuition discount for all students who qualify during final student teaching semester
Application Deadline Four weeks prior to start date 
Cohort Model Yes

**Tuition rate for the 2024-25 academic year; rate applies to undergraduate-level courses. Cost for graduate-level courses is $675 per credit.

Request Info Apply Now 

What will I study?

Teacher certification students will learn:

  • How to effectively instruct and assess K12 learning
  • An understanding for the diversity of learners
  • How to identify and describe the roles that social, cultural, linguistic, physical and community contexts play in the classroom 

Program Details

Bachelor's Degree with Certification

This track includes courses to allow you to earn both your B.A. in elementary education and your Washington state teacher certificate. If you are interested in obtaining certification in a secondary content area, please give us a call to speak with an advisor for more information. A program can be developed with supervisor approval.

Master's Degree with Certification

For those who currently hold bachelor's degrees, Whitworth's Teacher Certification Program allows you to complete your Washington state teacher certificate while you're working toward a master's degree. Enroll in the 500-level courses and apply 20-24 credits toward an M.Ed. degree. If you are interested in obtaining certification in a secondary content area, please give us a call to speak with an advisor for more information. A program can be developed with department approval.

Certification Only

For those who currently hold a bachelor's or master's degree, Whitworth offers a program that allows you to acquire an elementary teaching certification or a secondary certification in an endorsable content area (e.g., math, science, English, language arts, history).

"I am so thankful for the experience I gained teaching virtually. Despite its many stressors, learning to teach virtually provided me with experience and an extra skill set that I wouldn’t have otherwise learned. The pandemic showed everyone that you truly never stop learning!"

Melody Amene

Course Sequence (Cohort 42)

This course sequence is specific to elementary tracks. Secondary and graduate tracks vary by student. Please contact your advisor for details. 

Spring 2025 (Jan. 6-May 9)

Dates Course Course Title (Credits)
Jan. 6-Feb. 14   Pre-cohort courses (vary per student)
Feb. 17-March 28 EDE 302 Foundations of Education (3)
March 31-May 9 EDE 204 Child & Adolescent Development (3)

Summer 2025 (May 19-Aug. 8)

May 19-June 27 EDE 320 Exceptional Learners & Inclusion (3)
June 30-Aug. 8 EDE 340 Differentiated Instructional Strategies (3)

Fall 2025 (Aug. 18-Dec. 19)

Aug. 18-Sept. 26 EDE 471 Assessment & Classroom Management (3)
Sept. 29-Dec. 19 EDE 322C Instructional Strategies Practicum (1)
30 hours completed over 10 weeks
Sept. 29-Nov. 7 EDE 332A Math Methods Primary Grades (3)
Nov. 10-Dec. 19 EDE 332 B Math Methods Intermediate Grades (3)

Spring 2026 (Jan. 5-May 8)

Jan. 5-Feb. 13 EDE 401W Critical Issues in Education (3)
Jan. 5-Feb. 13 EDE 366 Teaching ELL (1)
Online; three Mondays, 6-10 p.m.
Feb. 16-May 8 EDE 441A Literacy Practicum (1)
30 hours completed over 10 weeks
Feb. 16-March 27 EDE 441 C Literacy Methods Primary Grades (3)
March 30-May 8 EDE 441 B Literacy Methods Intermediate Grades (3)

Summer 2026 (May 18-Aug. 7)

May 18-June 26 EDE 345D K-8 Art Methods (1)
Online; two Wednesdays, 6-10 p.m.
May 18-June 26 EDE 345C K-8 Music Methods (1)
Online; two Wednesdays, 6-10 p.m.
May 18-June 26 EDE 345A K-8 PE & Health Methods (1)
Online; two Wednesdays, 6-10 p.m.
June 29-Aug. 7 EDE 341 K-8 STEM Methods (3)

Fall 2026 (Aug. 17-Dec. 18)

Aug. 17-Dec. 18 EDE 496 Clinical Practicum (9)
Full-time student teaching; Monday-Friday, 12-13 weeks
Aug. 17-Dec. 18 EDE 470 TCP Capstone Seminar (3)
Online; 10 Tuesdays, 5-9 p.m.
Nov. 9-Dec. 18 EDE 367 Intercultural Education (1)
Online; three Wednesdays, 5-9 p.m.
Nov. 9-Dec. 18 EDE 368 Full-time field experience; two weeks after Thanksgiving, Monday-Friday

Transfer Information

Already have an Associate of Arts (A.A.) or Applied Associate Degree (A.A.S. or other)?

With an A.A. or applied associate degree from a community college, you may transfer to Whitworth's teacher certification program as a junior, receiving 60-64 semester credits toward your bachelor's degree. You can complete your degree in as little as two to three years. Check out our generous transfer policy here.

Credit for Prior Learning

If you've obtained knowledge through experience outside of the traditional classroom, you may earn up to 32 semester credits of electives through subject tests, certifications, licenses, self-directed study, work-related trainings and more. For more details about credit for prior learning, click here.

Excellence in Teacher Preparation

Whitworth University is acknowledged as a leader in teacher preparation. School administrators actively recruit Whitworth graduates knowing that our program prepares educators who excel and will lead with integrity and commitment. The Teacher Certification Program blends theory with practice by arranging classroom experiences each term. Within the final semester you will have the opportunity to complete a full-time student-teaching practicum and an intercultural experience designed to help you become a well-prepared educator.

Make Connections

Cohort Format

Whitworth's Teacher Certification Program is offered in a cohort format. Simply put, this means that you'll be part of a small group (approximately 15 students) who work collaboratively through the teacher certification curriculum in sequence. Within the final semester, you'll complete a full-time student-teaching practicum. 

School of Education Mission

Degree Requirements

Teacher Certification Program Admission Requirements

After you apply and are admitted to the Teacher Certification Program, you will begin taking classes that meet prerequisite requirements. All prerequisite requirements must be met before you begin the teacher certification sequence – including credits in an endorsable discipline and passing scores on the Washington Educators Skills Test (WEST-B). Please speak with an academic advisor for more information.

For course descriptions and learning outcomes of this major, please view the course catalog.

Prerequisites and Content-Area Requirements

EDE 302* Foundations of Education  3 credits
MA 220 Structure of Elementary Mathematics 3 credits
Coursework in the natural sciences and social sciences
HI 112 Pacific Northwest History & Since Time Immemorial 3 credits

Elementary Teacher Certification Curriculum - 51 credits

EDE 204 Child and Adolescent Development 3 credits
EDE 320* Exceptional Learners and Inclusion 3 credits
EDE 332A Mathematics Methods in the Primary Grades 3 credits
EDE 332B Mathematics Methods in the Intermediate Grades 3 credits
EDE 332C Instructional Strategies Practicum 1 credit
EDE 340* Differentiated Instructional Strategies and K-8 Social Studies Methods 3 credits
EDE 341 K-8 STEM Methods 3 credits
EDE 345A* K-8 Physical Education and Health Methods 1 credit
EDE 345C* K-8 Music Methods 1 credit
EDE 345D* K-8 Art Methods 1 credit
EDE 366* Teaching English Language Learners 1 credit
EDE 367* Introduction to Intercultural Education 1 credit
EDE 368* Intercultural Immersion Experience 2 credits
EDE 401W Critical Issues in Education 3 credits
EDE 441A* Literacy Methods in the Primary Grades 3 credits
EDE 441B* Literacy Methods in the Intermediate Grades 3 credits
EDE 441C Literacy Practicum 1 credit
EDE 470 TCP Capstone Seminar 3 credits
EDE 471* Assessment and Classroom Management 3 credits
EDE 496 Clinical Practicum 9 credits

*500-level courses available for the master's degree track

Secondary Teacher Certification Curriculum - 37-38 credits

For secondary certification, an academic major or sufficient coursework in an approved content area is required.

EDE 204 Child and Adolescent Development 3 credits
EDE 320* Exceptional Learners and Inclusion 3 credits
EDE 350* Integrated Instructional Methods 3 credits
EDE 351A Instructional Strategies Practicum I 1 credit
EDE 351B Instructional Strategies Practicum I 1 credit
EDE 366* Teaching English Language Learners 1 credit
EDE 367* Introduction to Intercultural Education 1 credit
EDE 368* Intercultural Immersion Experience 2 credits
EDE 401W Critical Issues in Education 3 credits
EDU 458 Content Area Reading and Writing 2 credits
EDU 4XX Methods course in content area 2-3 credits
EDE 470 TCP Capstone Seminar 2 credits
EDE 471* Assessment and Classroom Management 3 credits
EDE 497/8 Clinical Practicum: Middle School/High School 9 credits

*500-level courses available for the master's degree track

Graduation Requirements & Electives

All adult education programs from Whitworth must include shared curriculum and elective coursework to complete degree requirements. Some of the requirements may be met by courses offered in the major. Check with an advisor for details.

Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate – 126

Total credits needed at Whitworth will vary depending on credits transferred from other institutions and/or earned via credit for prior learning.

What type of job can I get?

  • Elementary certification allows you to teach from kindergarten to eighth grade.
  • Secondary certification allows you to teach in middle school and high school in a specific content area (i.e., math, science or history).
  • A master's degree in education with certification allows you to teach at the level for which you are certified, or at the community college or university level.

Our grads get great jobs.

In addition to most local and many regional districts, graduates from Whitworth's Teacher Certification Program are employed in school districts across North Idaho, northwest Washington, Southern Arizona, Montana, Alaska, Nevada, Hawaii, South Carolina, Florida, Wisconsin, China and even Oman.