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Bachelor of Arts in Humanities

With the Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, you choose your course of study from multiple academic disciplines. Study topics in history, philosophy, theology, communications and more, so that you can obtain a variety of skills that provide opportunity for personal development and help improve your employability. Comprehensive reading and proficient writing, the ability to assess and connect ideas, and good problem-solving skills will help demonstrate the value you bring to any organization.

Course Format Online or in person
Locations Online
North Spokane
Average Completion Time 2-2.5 years with A.A. or applied associate's degree (A.A.S. or other)
4-5 years with no transfer credits 
Cost Per Credit $565* per credit (financial aid & scholarships available)
Application Deadline Four weeks prior to start date 

*Tuition rate for the 2024-25 academic year

Request Info Apply Now

What will I study?

Humanities majors will choose courses from the following topic areas:

  • Art
  • Communication
  • Economics
  • English
  • History
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Political science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Theatre
  • Theology

Design Your Program

Demonstrate the value you bring to any organization with a bachelor of arts in humanities. Take courses in topics that interest you so you can achieve your own personal and professional goals. And with more courses to choose from, you can structure your program to fit your schedule. The increased flexibility may allow you to complete your degree faster. 

"At Whitworth, the students create strong bonds with each other. I see these bonds lasting a lifetime. The classes are filled with people and teachers who really want to see you succeed."

Ashley Vasquez '20

Transfer Information

Already have an Associate of Arts (A.A.) or Applied Associate Degree (A.A.S. or other)?

With an A.A. or applied associate degree from a community college, you may transfer to Whitworth's humanities program as a junior, receiving 60-64 semester credits toward your bachelor's degree. You can complete your degree in as little as two to three years. Check out our generous transfer policy here

Credit for Prior Learning

If you've obtained knowledge through experience outside of the traditional classroom, you may earn up to 32 semester credits of electives through subject tests, certifications, licenses, self-directed study, work-related trainings and more. For more details about credit for prior learning, click here.

Degree Requirements

Please call us to speak with one of our academic advisors and receive a complimentary transcript evaluation.

For course descriptions and learning outcomes of this major, please view the course catalog.

Humanities Major - 45 credits

In this program, you'll have the opportunity to design your own curriculum with the guidance of one of our academic advisors. A minimum of 45 semester credits is required for your completion of the humanities major.

At least 30 credits of the 45-semester-credit total must be from the following areas: art, communication studies, English, history, music, philosophy, theology or theatre. Up to 15 credits of the 45-semester-credit total may also be from the social sciences: economics, political science, psychology or sociology.

Graduation Requirements & Electives

All adult education programs from Whitworth must include  (shared curriculum) and elective coursework to complete degree requirements. Some of the requirements may be met by courses offered in the major. Check with an advisor for details. 

Minimum Credits Needed to Graduate - 126

Total credits needed at Whitworth will vary depending on credits transferred from other institutions and/or earned via credit for prior learning. 

What type of job can I get?

  • education
  • journalism
  • law
  • nonprofit organizations
  • case-management
  • specialist
  • health-center director
  • administration
  • counseling and diplomacy
  • politics/government agencies
  • bank manager
  • business owner

Our grads get great jobs at places like...

  • YMCA
  • Washington State Attorney General's Office
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Chase Bank
  • Spokane County District Court
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Spokane County Law Library
  • Spokane County
  • USPS
  • American Medical Response
  • Pitney Bowes
  • Spokane Public Schools
  • Herman, Herman & Jolley, P.S.