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Business Advisory Board Member

Fred Stockton

Headshot of Fred StocktonBorn and raised in Seattle, Fred Stockton earned his degree from the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business with emphasis in computer science, finance and marketing. He has held management, board and investor positions in both publicly and privately-owned companies involved in a wide range of markets both domestically and internationally. He is currently the global service line director for Keywords Studios PLC, which provides digital art production for video games.

Stockton considers himself to be a business builder who is at his best when he is helping a company grow. His efforts include leading teams and companies that have ranged from a handful of team members up to thousands of team members; conducting business in numerous countries in Asia, Europe and the Americas; and involvement in the acquisition and sale of many companies.

Stockton is a strongly committed to principle based leadership and as a lifelong Christian, believes that core values must be present for a team to be successful and to create win-win outcomes for all stakeholders. In his words, “Valuing a business’ performance simply through its financial results is a very shallow and often misleading way to measure success or to sustain it.”