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Off-Campus Programs

A division of the Whitworth Office of International Education, the Whitworth Off-Campus Programs Office (OCP) serves as an integral part of the Whitworth University academic experience by offering a range of domestic and international programs that provide opportunities for study, service, internship and other types of experiential learning. OCP provides comprehensive support for the development and implementation of faculty-led programs, exchange programs and other partner program opportunities aimed at enhancing students' global learning and cultural competency.

Off-Campus Programs Fair

The 2024 Off-Campus Programs Fair will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Hixson Union Building Multipurpose Room (HUB MPR). Come explore all of Whitworth's domestic and international study programs, meet program leaders, pick up informational flyers and start your study abroad journey!

Explore All Programs & Apply Online

Click the button below to access Whitworth's study abroad portal, Via. This new portal allows you to view all program options, customize your search and begin the online application process. Click "Go to Portal" and sign in with your Whitworth log-in credentials.


Program Deposit & Payments

Once accepted to a faculty-led program, students should use the following link to submit their required deposit and subsequent program payments.


Contact Us

Nicholas McKinney | Assistant Provost | 509.777.4596

Areas of supervision:

  • International exchange programs
  • International partner programs (ISEP, CCCU, AIFS, ILACA)
  • General support for faculty & administration

Rebecca Gahl-Partridge | Assistant Director, OCP | 509.777.4499

Areas of supervision:

  • Faculty-led programs
  • Point of contact for faculty proposing and/or leading approved programs
  • Logistics & operations of faculty-led programs
  • Coordination of program-related finances, budget development, & STCU accounts

General Inquiries | OCP

Contact us using the email address above for the following:

  • Questions from students applying to or enrolled in a faculty-led program
  • Student inquiries about finances, payments and related concerns
  • Inquiries about the Off-Campus Programs Fair and application system