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Alumni Achievements

Headshot of Cody DeJardinCody DeJardin

Major: Art – Graphic Design

Current Position: DeJardin is brand director & head of collaborations at Sackcloth & Ashes in Portland, Ore.

Why Whitworth: “Like many students who've had the chance to stroll through Whitworth's campus for the first time, I fell in love. The landscapes, reminiscent of ‘heaven on earth,’ the wonderfully designed buildings, and the immediate sense of community that every student experiences, all captivated me.

“Whitworth’s small yet impactful community gifted me with lasting friendships (both with students and faculty). It also prepared me to love others, myself and to serve humanity in all my endeavors.

“Furthermore, my experience at Whitworth transcended conventional academics. The university provided a multitude of opportunities that extended beyond the confines of the classroom, allowing me to translate knowledge into real-world contexts. This practical engagement provided me with an understanding of the tangible implications of my studies.

“Additionally, Whitworth presented challenges that spurred me to explore the confines of my faith in new ways. The university’s support system furnished me with the necessary resources to navigate and embrace this journey.

“The amount of connections curated during my time at Whitworth has enriched my personal growth in amazing ways. Whitworth's contribution to my development embodies not only intellectual experience but also a holistic transformation that encompasses faith, community and self-discovery.”

Influential Whitworth Professors:

“Kent McDonald – For challenging my faith, providing resources to this day that expand my walk and push me to serve others well – and for doing it all in the tone of fun, laughter and true love.

“Katie Creyts – For taking a chance on me to apply my passions in art/business outside of the constraints of the classroom. To this day, my favorite class was an independent study that we created together – three weeks in New York studying retail design.

“Meredith Shimizu – For giving me a new appreciation for art, its history, and the chaos of the art world. Her art history classes are truly amazing.

“Tara Lambert – For guidance in starting a business, constructing a plan and positioning a brand to scale.

“Leonard Oakland – For taking me under his wing while building a film minor at Whitworth, and for teaching me the true value of storytelling.”

Influential Whitworth Experiences: DeJardin’s influential experiences included studying abroad in Costa Rica, working as the sports events coordinator, serving in Young Life, and taking first place in the Inland Northwest Business Plan Competition.

Career Goals:

  • “Donate 1 million blankets to homeless shelters by June 2024.
  • “Elevate Sackcloth & Ashes as a globally recognized brand.
  • “Tell meaningful stories that are deserving of being shared.
  • “Create high-quality products, responsibly manufactured, with a purpose larger than their inherent functionality.
  • “Strengthen and empower communities to drive local impact effectively.”

Meghan Eremeyeff

Major: Graphic Design
Minors: Visual Communication
Current position: Eremeyeff owns her own graphic design company called Westerly Creative Studio, where she specializes in print design, Squarespace websites and brand creation.

Why Whitworth: "When I began looking at colleges, Whitworth was the number-one choice for my parents, but I was seriously looking at several others across the country. In their wisdom, my parents told me I could visit any college I wanted as long as I went to visit Whitworth first. I accepted their deal and soon after made the trip with the assumption that I would be intruding on the night of my assigned student. Instead, I was welcomed and whisked off around campus to meet people as if I was an old friend who was visiting. I had never seen such a close community before and that, paired with learning more about the academic standards of Whitworth, sealed my college fate. I didn't apply to any other schools."

Whitworth Activities: "I had the honor of being the Senator for Ballard Hall for two years. I also worked on Script, Whitworth's student-led literary journal, as the assistant design & layout editor and head art editor."

Influential Whitworth Professor: "There were so many wonderful professors whose words I carry with me today. In fact, I was just working on a project and could hear Scott Kolbo tell me to push my idea until I went too far and to adjust from there. However, Meredith Shimizu solidified my excitement for art and therefore will always have my gratitude. I remember being so nervous to take History of Modern Art because not only were there mostly upper-classmen in the class, but you were required to participate. Yet there was something about that first class that made everything click. I went from being a quiet student to not being able to keep my hand down. Throughout my time at Whitworth, I took as many art history courses as I could, and they were always soul-enriching."

Influential Whitworth Experience: "The participation in a creative community that respected each other enough to be vulnerable was a pillar of the education I received. There's almost nothing more uncomfortable than learning to receive constructive criticism in front of a group of people, yet it is an invaluable skill to have as a designer."

Career Goals: "Owning my own design company has been very fulfilling, and the flexibility it provides is such a blessing. Lately, I've found additional meaning in my craft by creating brand identities within the UNESCO Man and Biosphere program, which focuses not only on environmental issues but also on the socioeconomic benefits of protected landscapes.

"The call to get my master's has been strong. Art education has always been a big part of my life, and I want to pursue either a degree in museum studies or community arts. I even spent time volunteering at the Portland Art Museum, and their focus on creating new paths of engagement for their local community was inspirational. With art education deteriorating, there are many people who do not know how to interact with art, and museums are trying to facilitate personal connections and candid interactions with their collections. In fact, my final paper for CORE 350 was about the positive economic impact of art education on a local and international level."

Headshot of Chloe SherpeChloe Dye Sherpe

Major: History
Minors: Art History & Public History
Current position: Chloe is the curatorial project manager for the Microsoft Art Collection. The collection is managed by The Lumiere Group, an arts consulting company that specializes in corporate collections. Chloe manages art acquisitions for the collection, working with contemporary, emerging artists all over the world. After Whitworth, she earned a Master of Arts in art history from the University of Florida and was the curator at the Museum of Northwest Art for three years.

Why Whitworth: "I had the opportunity to meet several Whitworth history professors while in high school, and I was very impressed with their student-centered teaching philosophy and small class sizes. At the time, I wanted to be a curator in a history museum and learned that many Whitworth alumni held positions in museums. I knew that Whitworth was an excellent university, but the education I received was crucial for my graduate studies and career."

Whitworth Activities: "I was a Resident Assistant in Warren Hall, a member of an intramural frisbee and soccer team, and was the student assistant for the history, art and chemistry departments."

Influential Whitworth Professor: "All of the history professors had a profound impact on my life, but I can’t overstate the influence that Professor of Art History Meredith Shimizu had on my studies and career. I went to a very small high school and was not exposed to art history until I took History of Modern Art in spring of my freshman year. The analysis and methods we learned in class clicked in my brain, and I knew that I wanted to work in the arts and pursue graduate studies in art history. But the professors at Whitworth offer so much more than an excellent education; they truly offer an education of mind and heart. Students are encouraged to really love what they study and to do so with humility and gratitude."

Influential Whitworth Experience: "My time at Whitworth offered many valuable experiences, including traveling to Italy and Germany and several important internship opportunities. However, one unique experience was the opportunity to present my senior thesis at two conferences. Not only did the experience give me ownership over my research, but I was the only student in my graduate cohort who had conference experience."

Career Goals: "I love my current job and feel very blessed to be able to work with artists throughout the United States and Canada. Eventually, I would like to teach in universities again and have thought about becoming an art museum director in the future."

View Chloe's reflection on Lysippus' Apoxymenos on the alumni page.

Portrait of Hannah Hirano on the interior steps of a museum with ancient-looking stone structures.Hannah Hirano

Major: Art, Arts Administration
Current position: Hirano is the coordinator for conservation and museum services at the Seattle Art Museum.

Why Whitworth: "I love painting and drawing, and I had enjoyed volunteering for a community art center while in high school. I wanted these majors when I first applied to Whitworth because I couldn’t imagine not making anything or not having a studio background, and I wanted to be a self-sufficient artist. I thought they would also help me gain a broader understanding of the cultures of different types of arts organizations, and they definitely did."

Whitworth Activities: "I was a member of the Whitworth Symphony Orchestra for four years, and I was the art editor for Script, Whitworth's student literary journal."

Influential Whitworth Professor: "The art department faculty members have been wonderfully influential through classes, advising, mentoring, sharing their artwork, and being in conversation with me at any hour. Most of the things I love about art – the practice in making, learning history, the act of viewing – grew through my discussions with professors and by listening to them. They cultivated in me a desire for depth in my understanding and a will to action to be a decent human being."

Influential Whitworth Experience: "During my junior year I had the opportunity to take Power & Politics in Art, a Jan Term study program in Europe. In this class we were able to wrestle with the questions of art's purpose in and value to culture."

Career Goals: "I plan to apply for graduate programs focused on new media and contemporary art history and theory. I would like to continue to work in a modern art-museum structure, but I'm highly interested in working more directly with artists and artwork."

Other Recent Alums

  • Olivia Newman is a graphic designer at Yakima Valley Hops.
  • Kellen Pacheco is an architectural intern at ZGF Architects.
  • Meagan Stirling is an associate professor of art at Westmont College.
  • Darrien Mack is the graphic designer and station operator for Community-minded Enterprises.
  • Sophia Lizberg is a graphic designer at the Better Business Bureau, Boise, Idaho.
  • Madisen Montovino is a junior graphic designer/UI and UX specialist at Bonsai Media Group, Seattle, Wash.
  • Ruth Campbell is an elementary art specialist at Spokane Public Schools.
  • Carly Hirai owns the graphic design business Panda Pacific Designs.